EMOS (Enhanced Multiplayer Online System)

Websocket module has been updated and pushed to github.

UWebsocketClient is now implemented and working in c++ and blueprints.

Documentation to come later


The core of the websocket module has been finished, it now supports creating a websocket server, and client. These are all accessible via c++ or blueprints, and messages can be sent to the server, or from the server to all clients via FString’s. I will add support for sending UStructs as json formated FStrings in the future.

Initial stubs for the social component were pushed to github this morning. the stubs included extend the social component to send / receive chat messages, and In-game mail services.


Hey @DigitalKarnage - Bit of a Question about EMOS

Are there any plans to make world origin shifting (or use a similar technique) work in Multiplayer in EMOS?

Just thought I would ask

Thanks for your time,


Alright - So I asked during the last livestream about the large world coordinate system that epic has had on its trello backlog for a while now.

Anyway - They do not plan on getting around to it till the next year or two.

I linked to the appropriate time from the livestream.

help me please!
I’m trying to compile the EMOS for HTML5, Android, Linux but I have an error:
1> [4/9] python.exe UWebsocketClient_impl.cpp
1> In file included from D: estNetwork\MyProject\Plugins\EMOS-master\Source\EMOSWS\Classes\Framework\UWebsocketppConnection.cpp:18:
1> D: \ testNetwork \ MyProject \ Plugins \ EMOS-master \ Source \ EMOSWS / Private \ EMOSWSPCH.h: 57: 10: fatal error: ‘AllowWindowsPlatformTypes.h’ file not found
1> #include “AllowWindowsPlatformTypes.h”
1> ^
1> In file included from D: estNetwork\MyProject\Plugins\EMOS-master\Source\EMOSWS\Classes\Framework\UWebsocketppServer.cpp:18:
1> D: \ testNetwork \ MyProject \ Plugins \ EMOS-master \ Source \ EMOSWS / Private \ EMOSWSPCH.h: 57: 10: fatal error: ‘AllowWindowsPlatformTypes.h’ file not found
1> #include “AllowWindowsPlatformTypes.h”

“DWORD” is not unambiguous c: \ Program Files (x86) \ Windows Kits \ 8.1 \ Include \ um \ minwinbase.h 56

For Windows compilation is successful!

This is a problem with the UnrealEngine build system, When cross-compiling in a windows environment PLATFORM_WINDOWS is defined, a fix for this has been implemented so that compiling for Linux on Windows using the appropriate tool chain works. However with that said, it doesn’t fix the non-desktop websocket issues. HTML5 has the bEnableForceExceptions = false in all cases. and since the underlying websockets implementation relies heavily on the these exceptions / exception handling. it makes it really difficult to provide an out of the box solution for html5, without wrapping the existing UE websockets implementation. There doesn’t seem to be any reason why andriod / ios won’t work. I don’t have those development environments setup to test those yet, as i’m mainly trying to focus on Windows / Linux, as this is being built in-line with my own project.