Editing movement speed for static mesh actor

I’ve spent time coming up with a clean solution for your movement issue, and here is what I settled on:

I created a IsOverlapping bool, as well as a SpeedIncrease float variable (which I set to 60 by default, feel free to modify this).

Then, OnActorBeginOverlap, I casted to the Wind Trigger to ensure that it was what the player was overlapping, and then set the IsOverlapping bool to true.

Now, for the movement, when you press the Input button, it will perform a check to see if IsOverlapping is true. If not, it will apply the default movement speed. If so, it will multiply the Axis Value by the Speed Increase and then add that to the movement instead.

Here is the screenshot:

Have a great day

Sean thank you very much for putting up with me and trying to find a solution. This blueprint unfortunately doesnt work for me either (and I have no clue why), but i have found a partly working one. I say partly because i get my speed increase on overlap, but after some time the speed drops. The changes i made to blueprints were like in the photos below. Also here is a link to the video if you want to watch: Testing of a little project in UnrealEngine update - YouTube

Have you ensured to set a default value for the Speed Multiplier variable? If you don’t then you will essentially be multiplying your axis value times nothing.

The one thing I did not do in my blueprint, as it was just a quick test, was to set the Is in Wind bool to false when the character stops overlapping the wind trigger. So you can go ahead and do that as well.

In the meantime, I highly recommend checking out some of the video tutorials that we have located on our Wiki. A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums

These tutorials will help you get a better grasp of blueprints, as well as other essential engine mechanics.

In addition to the Wiki, be sure to check out our documentation, YouTube channel, and our forums for more tutorials and advice from both ourselves and the community.


Have a great day

Edited the value from 10 to 10000 but no changes. I will focus now on watching all those tutorials and than i will get back to the project. If some problems pop up later, i will contact you. Thank you for the links.