Dynamic Rope/Cable Plugin

That’s what I’m planning for the next one. I can either use the Wrestler from our AAW3 game as an example or if anyone wants to send an asset over, I can use it. It must be a SkeletalMesh with at least one Animation and a PhysicsAsset setup on it. And preferably a Character Blueprint setup for a test scenario. Let me know if that’s something you would like to do.

This look s cool! I’d use it if selling on Marketplace.

It will be on the Marketplace as soon as Epic adds the ability to put Plugins on there. If I may ask, from a marketing stand point, what’s keeping you from using it now? I’m always looking to improve the Plugin and the process of acquiring it until the Marketplace is ready.

Bought your plugin, very nice.

Wondering if it is possible to attach an object to any of the individual nodes of the rope. For example lanterns. I tried attaching one rope to each lantern and so on but the entire rope falls to the ground no matter what settings I use.


Thank you!

Yes you can position Actors along the rope, but to do so you need to get the positions of the Rope Particle the Actor is going to be attached to using the GetParticlePosition node. This should be on every Tick. Now that I think about it, I could expose the positions using the GetSocketTransform function from UPrimitiveComponent and have the BoneName Argument specify the ParticleIndex.

The reason the lanterns fall is because the rope does not yet transfer it’s tension forces to the attached Actors, but this is something I want to add later on.

Ah excellent, very nice work so far sir. Will stay tuned.

Was going to ask the same thing, i tried adding a lamp as an end point (with physics enabled) and it just pulls the rope to the ground.

Yeah, like I said; the rope does not yet transfer it’s tension to the attached actors. It’s something I will be adding though. For now you can have the lamp simply fallow one of the particles along the length of the rope without having simulated physics on the lamp itself. though this won’t give you the pull on the rope where the lamp is.

I’ll move this Tension Transfer feature up the list though.

So what would be the best way to get a character grab and climb up the rope? Attach the particles and move up along them somehow?

First thing I would do is disable Dynamic Collision while climbing. After this, you have access to every Particles’ position via the GetParticlePosition node. I would use those positions as guides for the characters path up the rope. And to avoid any unwanted Static Collision, I would Fix the Particle just below the next one as the character is climbing and free it after passing the next one. Mainly as a precaution for keeping the rope stable.

Quick update:
I took the ropes physics and collision code, which is the performance critical bit of the system, and made it completely async with the GameThread. This means that all the simulating ropes in a level run without interrupting the main GameThread and allowing for even greater performance and use. This will be coming in the next update!

A Quick Update:
The next plugin update is shaping up to be pretty big, it will include the Async Physics Updating, Collision Filtering Properties UI, and a SplineRopeComponent to allow the rope to be guided by a Spline when not simulating. As well as a large number of fixes and optimizations. Video preview is coming and the next tutorial shortly after.

Can I use the rope like a whip?

Would one be able to use the ropes from this plug-in like a whip? For example, If I were to use this on a mobile device where one end of the rope was controlled by a touch gesture could I configure it so that when I swipe up the rope acted like a whip that went forward in Z-Space?

I hope this question is clear.

And would it be able to register collisions with other Actors?

I don’t see why not. It’s simply a matter of setting up a blueprint that has the rope component fixed at one end point and hook up either the OnComponentHit event or the OnOverlap event. From there you’ll get notified of collisions with other actors. You’ll also want to setup collision filtering for both, the static and dynamic collision, on the rope to ignore any Actors you wish.

Let me know if that helps.

Awesome, Would this work on Mobile platforms? If so, I will purchase the plug-in as it would save me tons of time developing the whip dynamic on my own.

Yes, mobile is supported. The only platform not supported is HTML5.

Are you still working on this plugin? Waiting eagerly on the “disable transfer of forces/physics to connected actor”-function of this plugin :slight_smile:

eagerly awaiting update as well sir

We’re waiting. :slight_smile:

Hi everyone, my apologies for the lack of updates but I have taken time off the plugin to get a lot of things done in our game, AAW3. Work will continue for this plugin and a tutorial is on its way to show how to setup a character. I’m hoping to get the tutorial put together by this weekend. And get an update out the door with a few new features as well.

I also spoke with an Epic developer about getting the C++ headers working but he said that is not implemented yet. The only option I have is to give customers source code access and currently this is being done on a case by case basis.

Again, thank you for your interest in my work.