Dynamic Decal Blending + Mesh Integration Tools

we’re well aware of the advantages of using dynamic shader branching
how about going to the thread where we request proper support (i.e. via nodes) instead of derailing this thread? :rolleyes:

So the dynamic branch node you can place in the material editor doesn’t work? The more you know… :smiley:

Yeah it’s getting a little derailed, but we were talking about optimization because Deathrey started talking about sampling when you have a ton of layers. Regardless, this dynamic branching topic is VERY much a part of making something like these CE decals come to life.

The built in one doesn’t work. It would just be using the same method as flattening; like the IF node or the lerp node when they are at zero or one. The custom node method is the only real way to make it work right now. Speaking of the lerp node, I need to make a dynamic node version of it so that it branches at zero and one.