Door rotating in place when i try to open it

and just to make sure in the time line the time is 0 and 90 and the other is 1 second or whatever and 0 yeah?

so it opens normally but to close it i have to physically harase the door to close then 0 animation occur

i did and still i have to no clip through it to close
Hey look dude you can just go if you want i mean you answered the question so thank you and ill try solving this problem on my own. Thanks

Hope it’ll work, you too! :wink:

Can you show me the current graph? Also, try to disable temporarily the player pushing and other things which might interfere with the door.

You forgot to connect the Update pin to the SetRotation node for the second timeline.

Both timelines need to be 1 second (or whatever) long, opening should go from 0 to 90, closing (bottom timeline) should go from 90 to 0.

You have to physically touch the door to close? Are you sure nothing blocks it? Try settings its collision to NoCollision while testing it out.

Some other code or setting interferes with the rotation then. Sure thing, hope you find it fast!