Hey MrMaker,
Going through basic tutorials is probably going to help you most, both in getting comfortable with editor and understanding game development in general. video tutorials are a great starting place: https://www…com/playlist?list=PLZlv_N0_O1gaCL2XjKluO7N2Pmmw9pvhE
Another great place for tutorials is forum:
You can take a look in there and see if there are any ground-up tutorials you can follow along with.
And of course there are tutorials post on our Wiki:
I would recommend trying this one:
If you’re looking for a basic intro to game development, there are several very good books out there. Do a search on Amazon for Game Development, and look for titles that teach basics. You might benefit from this series, despite it being a few years old: http://www.amazon.com/Game-Development-Essentials-An-Introduction/dp/1111307652/ref=pd_sim_b_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=0H9H5V7S13DRGN1QB6H4
Other than that, become a part of community on forums and ask questions there! community is very supportive and you may find exactly what you need there.
Hope that helps!