Dinosaur Run

Here’s a playthrough of the valley level in the latest build :slight_smile: - I’d love any feedback or constructive criticism.

The levels are semi-procedurally generated. As in the levels are a set length but the objects are generated at runtime, based on difficulty levels. The reason for fairly short levels is that the game is intended for children between 4-6 so it wouldn’t do well to have really long levels. I am, however, contemplating adding an infinite mode for older kids / adults who want a more traditional and lengthy experience.

Here’s a playthrough (almost…) of Crystal Cave


I like the progress you’ve made… Nice dark cave look. The only thing I would change personally, is perhaps artificially light up the monkey so the protagonist is more visible. Just my two cents :slight_smile:

Looks great, you should release it on smartphones :smiley: Question: in what program do you make the models?
keep up the great work :slight_smile:

I agree, the lighting needs work. It could do with more light in the cave in general as the Dinosaur looks a little creepy in that lighting.

Thank you :slight_smile:

Initially this is a PC release, but I’m looking at mobile ports in the future. However, that is totally new territory for me and it’s using a lot of mobile unfriendly effects. Not to mention I don’t have any decent phobes to test on haha.

I use both Maya LT and Zbrush for the 3D modelling.

For texturing I use Substance Painter and Substance Designer.

Its awesone for a mobile game!

It’s not actually a mobile game, but I do have plans to port it to mobile as well. Thanks for your comment.

I’d love to hear what features you’d like to see to make it stand out compared to mobile games and other similar titles.

Here’s a video of the currency system in action!

This is all in game currency. There will be no micro-transactions.


Here’s the world map I’ve been working on for the Story Mode and for the level selection.

Feedback appreciated !


Awesome progress man! By the way i really like your logo intro. :slight_smile:

One suggestion. Instead of labels it would be nice to see the picture of hat and below that maybe you can add the name of item.

By the way did your son started playing? You should record him playing this and post the video. I’d love to see his reactions :smiley:

Thanks :slight_smile:

I definitely agree with you, I’m trying to stay away from text as much as possible, I do have a narrator lined up who’ll be doing some voice over work to make it easier for younger children to understand it, though.

The UI is definitely a WIP, sice currently it consists of boring grey backgrounds. The map I posted is going to replace the old level select screen. I’ll definitely get around to adding thumbnails of the hats so you can see them before purchase :slight_smile:

My son has started playing, yeah. I don’t have any recording equipment but I’ll see if he will wear a microphone since he’s very talkative while playing haha.

Sorry it’s been a while - been very busy. I’ve posted a new update on my blog. I tend to be on twitter a lot too if you are interested.

Blog post can be found HERE

There are now 8 levels

  • 1: Monkey Jungle
  • 2: Sticky Swamp
  • 3: Rolling Hills
  • 4: Dinosaur valley
  • 5: Crystal caves
  • 6: Baking Soda Volcano
  • 7: Trashed Trench
  • 8: Cold Canyon

Changes to Dinosaur’s Eyes

  • Blue Iris and larger pupil/iris for a more friendly look

You can buy hats with bananas!

  • All in game currency (NO micro-transactions)
  • 5 different hats available
  • Adventurer Hat
  • Pumpkin Helmet
  • Pirate Hat
  • Umbrella Hat
  • Traffic Cone


  • A really talented voice actress now narrates all the menus, in game pop ups, tutorials and more!

New fail “animation” when the monkey hits an obstacle with no bananas

Game Over Screen

I’ve done this now too, looks much better :slight_smile:

I will also attempt to get a video showing the voice acting - which I am really pleased with.

Reminds me of fun old Donkey Kong on Snes and N64 :slight_smile:

Thank you :slight_smile:

I’m planning on doing a more recent trailer today / tomorrow - since a lot has changed. I’ll post it here when it’s uploaded

Looking forward to it! :slight_smile:

I’m following this thread for a while now and it’s so nice to see the game growing and getting bigger.

Thank you, that means a lot :slight_smile:

I’m still not able to get that trailer up yet, since inspiration hit and I’ve been adding / tweaking and improving a lot visually in prep. for the trailer, so instead I can show you all the sculpting process for the main character.

This is coming along well.

Here’s the latest trailer!


Also, if you could please take the time to fill in this research survey for me, it would be a huge help! (It’s very short)

Survey Here

Filled in for you, will share on Twitter :>