Diablo like Inventory.

Could you share how to ? I am very interested in learning more :slight_smile:


@ThatLittleSpider: Hey we meet again! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m pretty interested in the “correct way” to implement an inventory system :slight_smile:

Here is a marketplace thread that might be interesting to us: Dynamic Inventory System.
@Drealz: I’d be glad to know how you did this!

Hey @ :slight_smile: long time no see.
I think I might have a go a second time at this to see if I can figure out a better way to solve this. Will create a tutorial if I find an efficient way to do it.

Working on making the windows “draggable” and having seperate windows for inventory and equipment screen then working on removing items.

Also try thinking about NPC Inventory / Buyers Inventory / Trade Window / Craft Window / Player Stash :stuck_out_tongue:

well as for a player stash you would just spawn another inventory for that player but on player controller spawned that only opens the ui for it if you click it and your actor is in range. since its another inventory its already setup to hold items that you want to spawn in it but right now its a little messy on the code I really need to clean unused nodes/variables that I plug and play during testing. I’m really hurting on money right now and thinking about either donations on my tutorial or 15$ and has the capability of save game as you can see that will store information about the items in a saved file on character unload