Destructible mesh loses collision and physics after packaging in 4.18.2

I actually found a workaround for this issue. It is critical that the destructible mesh not be referenced is not referenced (even indirectly) by a character or other “startup asset” as detailed in this other post. Since this makes it impossible to keep a proper reference, I’m instead keeping a FString reference and then loading it when it’s needed using StaticLoadClass like so:

UClass* Result = StaticLoadClass(UObject::StaticClass(), nullptr, *ClassName, nullptr, LOAD_None, nullptr);

Hello everybody, I have had a similar problem in ue 4.27.2; the spawned actors a destructible component within, lost collision of all destructible mesh. I figure this issue was caused by the wrong plug-in loading timing, potentially after the assets deserialize. I also tried to change the “loadingPhase” with no luck. early loading “before PhysxSDK initialization” throughout a crash, and also post engine init it lost the rights assets deserialize.
My solution it was, rebuild the ue4.27.2 from source, to force it to load the apex destructible module in physx level initialization. In practice i add the follow line of code in “PhysicsInitializzation.cpp” around the line 160 under


/New LINE/

Then compile the editor, load the game, then package it.
Well all destructible mesh spawned and placed now breakers perfectly