Delayed Audio in 4.15?

Hey Dan,
There doesn’t seem to be anything about Streaming Audio in the Project settings, either under the Audio tab, Streaming tab, or when searching for: ‘strea’.
Perhaps it’s under another title or must be edited through the console/.ini files?
Edit: It’s in Editor settings, will try it soon.

Virtualized is perfect for ambient noise such as rivers, as the sound won’t ever need to restart causing the delay.

There are audio components for common looping sounds such as the Charge attack, grinding on rails, etc (auto activate on).
Music is handled on 2 audio components that alternate and crossfade through c++ when switching to a new song.
There’s the ambient attenuated music dragged onto the stage.
Some audio is played through C++ when certain conditions are met, however it’s always the same. Delays on certain loopable sounds when the sound plays or is raised above 0 volume (fixed with virtualization)

As for the camera listener, I don’t even know what that is. :slight_smile:
Just a regular camera attached to a springarm component, nothing fancy there.
There’s another class that handles the springarm/camera movement, but nothing messing with the base camera class itself.

However I’ve tested this on new projects and they have the same problems, so I doubt it’s anything directly related to my game.

Also if you’re curious, below is the exact uses for the audio in my game, and it’s results.

Minor problems fixed with virtualization:

  • Ambient sound with Attenuation/Specialization: Delayed a second after entering the zone
  • Short looping sounds such as the charge attack from the video: Delayed a second after the charge has started

Not fixed, most problematic:

  • Music Intros->Loops: Loop must start after the intro ends, no way to keep it playing on 0. I’ve tried running it through c++ manually when the intro duration ended, adding an OnFinished event, and using Sound cue concat nodes. All give the same delay.
  • Starting new songs: Moving to a new area, old song fades out while new fades in. Instead, old song fades out, 2 seconds of silence, then new one starts abruptly at full volume (where the fade would have been)
  • Crossfading: A key ability in the game is going into ‘Spirit world’ at any point, where the main song fades out, and a second “spirit” version of the same song starts at the same position and fades in. The delay makes the song start later so it falls out of sync and sounds bad when they switch.