Any update on this for 4.13? I can’t get my dedicated server to be found using dev 480. Dev build
This is an issue where the game doesn’t get listed. I don’t recall the specifics and I think this pull request is related to that (it has been a while, sorry). I remember that, though, to join a game on like that, you would need to right click your friend on steam and join your friend game.
Also, iirc, you need to enable NullSubsystem to be able to get the game listed like that.
Again, it has been a while so I might be wrong/outdated.
I’ve submitted my problem with advertisement of a dedicated server on answer hub and spiked out this thread , unsure if this got merged or not but would like to not need to use subset of the released engine to have a dedicated server show up on steam. For sake of uodates down the road etc
Some answers from epic are there looks promising.
Hey, I’m running into trouble getting this to compile. When building for development editor i get a few error messages:
Are those related to your changes or is something wrong my set up? I’ve already reinstalled VS, but to no avail. I cant wait to get this to work
EDIT: Just made the effort to manually apply your changes to a fresh download of the release branch, brings up even more and different errors:
EDIT 2: After triple checking, i was able to get rid of one error, but the rest persists:
This has been updated to 4.14 was able to compile it today.
Just wanted to say, your pull request SAVED us. We are scheduled to launch into early access in 3 days and I couldn’t for the life of me get our dedicated servers working correctly (we could connect just fine, but the dedicated servers were not reporting currently connected player counts correctly, so I couldn’t actually route players away from full servers). Merged in your pull request last night (4.14), built this morning, and ta-daa, it works. Thank you SO much. This desperately needs to be added as (as far as I can tell) dedicated servers are completely unfunctional currently (without reporting currently connected players). Cheers!
Epic has mentioned they assigned a engineer to go over this so I’m pretty hopeful this will eventually be put into the main code.
I have a question for anyone who might be able to help as my c++ is lacking.
Going over the guide for sessions in unable to to get it to be implemented as it doesn’t seem to like my use of the session settings used.
My aim is simply to advertise dedicated server to steam master server displaying atleast map name and player count in my server browser.
I’m not sure if where I’m going wrong is due to missing something in a header or not since the information provided gives code but does t include the includes required.
Does anyone have a sample project using 4.14 that accomplishes this?
Any help is appreciated, it’s a major speed bump in my development of a free multiplayer only game.
Since the online sub systems are now moved into Plugins, could we theoretically move this PR into a Plugin format now instead? Haven’t looked at it in detail so just querying
The PR is working with Plugins as 4.13 does, but it can’t be a plugin because World.cpp needs some code and can’t be overridden.
Where can I find this plugin?
Any updates on this? A plugin version would be extremely helpfull to getting things setup.
Hi there,
Even though the little obvious details I seem to have gotten correctly, I’m still unable to find my Dedicated Server in game.
The server is correctly visible in the Steam Client Server Browser, it just does not appear in our FindSessions query.
Host Game:
FOnlineSessionSettings Settings;
Settings.NumPublicConnections = MaxNumPlayers;
Settings.NumPrivateConnections = 0;
Settings.bIsLANMatch = bUseLAN;
Settings.bShouldAdvertise = true;
Settings.bAllowJoinInProgress = true;
Settings.bAntiCheatProtected = true;
Settings.bUsesPresence = bIsPresence;
Settings.bAllowJoinViaPresence = true;
Settings.bAllowInvites = true;
Settings.bAllowJoinViaPresenceFriendsOnly = false;
Settings.bIsDedicated = bDedicated;
FOnlineSessionSetting MapNameSetting;
FOnlineSessionSetting GameModeSetting;
MapNameSetting.Data = MapName;
GameModeSetting.Data = GameMode;
MapNameSetting.AdvertisementType = EOnlineDataAdvertisementType::ViaOnlineService;
GameModeSetting.AdvertisementType = EOnlineDataAdvertisementType::ViaOnlineService;
Settings.Settings.Add(SETTING_MAPNAME, MapNameSetting);
Settings.Settings.Add(SETTING_GAMEMODE, GameModeSetting);
if (bDedicated)
bSuccess = SessionManager->CreateSession(0, GameSessionName, Settings);
bSuccess = SessionManager->CreateSession(*Player->GetPreferredUniqueNetId(), GameSessionName, Settings);
Find Sessions:
SearchSessionSettings = MakeShareable(new FOnlineSessionSearch());
SearchSessionSettings->bIsLanQuery = bIsLAN;
SearchSessionSettings->MaxSearchResults = MaxResults;
if (!bIsDedicated)
SearchSessionSettings->QuerySettings.Set(SEARCH_PRESENCE, true, EOnlineComparisonOp::Equals);
if (!MapName.IsEmpty())
SearchSessionSettings->QuerySettings.Set(SETTING_MAPNAME, MapName, EOnlineComparisonOp::Equals);
if (!GameMode.IsEmpty())
SearchSessionSettings->QuerySettings.Set(SETTING_GAMEMODE, GameMode, EOnlineComparisonOp::Equals);
OnFindSessionsCompleteDelegateHandle = SessionManager->AddOnFindSessionsCompleteDelegate_Handle(OnFindSessionsCompleteDelegate);
TSharedRef<FOnlineSessionSearch> SearchSettingsRef = SearchSessionSettings.ToSharedRef();
bFindingSessions = true;
bSuccess = SessionManager->FindSessions(UserId, SearchSettingsRef);
Any idea on where the problem lies?
When debugging, correct params are passed such as bIsDedicated, etc.
It’s just the sessions returning empty results.
To make it weirder, it’s not possible to join the server even using direct connect Open IP.
Is the Steam/internal net version check passing?
Where do we find it? OP hasn’t been updated etc.
Hey, Has there been any update to this as of recent? I’ve just begun playing around with dedicated server stuff and seem to be running into issues. Any updates on this in terms to it being added to a plugin?
I can’t do a plugin because World.cpp can’t be overridden, anyway there is a rejected PR that’s better than mine: , it needs only some fixes for bugs (for example needs a check on the NetDriver because the delegate is called on clients where NetDriver is null, so they get Fatal error message)
Thanks for the reply been hitting my head against the wall right now. Going to try using / fxing that pull request hopefully that fixes it.
Hello. I’ve read your thread. Is this working in 4.17.2 as well? Thanks.
Hi. Are these problems still present in the 4.18 version? Would be grateful for an info. Thanks.