Datasmith Feature Requests

I’d like to see the possibility to import BIM Metadata in Unreal Engine (If present in 3DSMax for example or Revit)

I think asset userdata is coming in 4.20, so you’ll be able to intercept it and do things with it.

Correct, the 3ds plug-in will export metadata in 4.20 and we have features in-engine to handle metadata.

Pleased to read that. Thanks. How it will work if I stop the so called “subscription” for, say, a year and I subscribe again? Have to pay the whole price? Can I have a discount? I have to pay the year lost (for you)?

No, I didn’t try yet, for the moment I’m reading/watching documentation and tutorials.
The information about Solidwoks is in the link below. And “Up to 2014” was written last week for sure! ^^
So the supported version changed, cool. But I read elsewhere in the forum also that other guys had problems since they used SW2017, so I was thinking that SW2017 was not supported yet.

re: subscription
We haven’t fully locked down our policies, I don’t expect you to pay a “penalty”, but we could wind up rewarding those who don’t drop and then come back.

re: SW
Yes, we fixed the documentation for Inventor and SW. The product supports all recent released versions. However, we are still working on SW2018. Just try it, it works. If it doesn’t file a bug report and we’ll fix it.

Count on me. ^^

And for subscription, what does Substance is really good.

Luoshuang’s GPU Lightmass!!!

Ok returning to UE/US for a special kind of archviz project, comparing with Lumion and searching for the faster way to populate and render an area and existing BIM architecture with vegetation, persons, materials, etc I did say a huge collection of pre-made assets will be beneficial.
Lumion appear to be way inferior in term of rendering customization and dynamics, but it’s really easy to use with the tons of pre-made assets one can just push inside his project.
Sure professionals as I see in this forum didn’t need this, but for less tech capable users and use cases where the final goal it’s to push out a result in the fastest way can be a real plus.
A Lumion license is costing about 30 months of Unreal Studio subscription but came with 1465 models, the Pro cost twice but come with 4395 models and more features, there is space to go from current Unreal Studio 100 materials.

I completely agree with you. We’re trying to do something about that too. Stay tuned.

A robust and modern hierarchy system, with expand all, collapse all, hide/delete subtree, etc. etc.

The hierarchy support in Unreal right now is so rudumentary and volatile that we still prefer to use Unity. Unreal is also really picky about object and file naming, which Unity isn’t, and you get a lot of long and complicated file/part names with CAD importing.

I reported both issues here, with surprisingly little response from the Unreal community:…ree-operations…e-object-names

The assembly/feature tree is the core of any parametric CAD software and its very surprising to see that this wasn’t done better with Datasmith.

My suggestion is to not just dump a Datasmith import into the scene, but rather create a Blueprint from it first, and then let the user place it. That blueprint would then contain the hierarchy, which should support all “normal” hierarchy interactions (as mentioned above).

^ This I would personally find extremely useful. +1

We know this workflow needs improvement. Don’t forget, Datasmith is a version 1.0 product, so we can’t do everything in the first release…

The dynamic lighting system in the illusory engine is not ideal, so I use the virtual engine of the Gameworks branch to visualize the building, but I can’t find the way to use the Datasmith plug-in in the Gmaeworks branch version, which will greatly affect my workflow process, and what can be done in Gamework S plug-in version of the illusory engine using Datasmith plug-ins?

If you wanted to use your own custom build of Unreal Engine, this is not directly possible with Datasmith because Datasmith only supports the official binary release of Unreal Engine. However, you could use Datasmith on an official release of UE4 and then transfer the UE4 assets to the custom build. As long as the custom build is the same UE version, or a higher version, this should work.

I’m using Unreal for scientific research visualization. I appreciate the effort here, and I hope the team will think more broadly than Arch and product Viz and spin off a new product for visualization. I think there are some considerations for visualization or enterprise products that won’t coexist well with game consideration and vice versa.

  • Double Precision - Most data in Academic, Scientific and exploration research is double precision. In Unreal just about everything goes through an FVector at some point losing precision. Need a native path for doubles through Unreal to the GPU.
  • The material editor could be more flexible. Assumptions are made about incoming data based on game development practices. It would be nice if more arbitrary data could be passed in, and it would be great to see a more general purpose editor that would allow users to build compute functions quickly. Currently I am having to do all sorts of hackery to pass data I want to visualize into materials, normalizing data, hiding it in normal or tangent channels or textures. I can probably do better writing shaders, but the editor is a handy way to prototype things quickly.
  • Better support for point clouds. I have seen a couple point cloud projects but they are narrowly focused on scan data. I am working with particle caches from simulations which isn’t topographical. Incorporating some PCL functionality so data can be sorted, grouped, decimated, partitioned, whatever would be very useful.
  • A general point cloud Actor. Currently I load the data from its native format, then construct arrays to feed to a procedural mesh component to create a cloud of camera facing quads. It’s fast to load and works better than any of the other methods I have seen, but a ton of redundant data is generated in the process and I can’t help but think there could be a better way. A particle object that could generate a static cloud of particles based on a cache of positions and load arbitrary attributes, perhaps allow the users to load cached frames and play them back, would be great. Something that would allow users to iterate over the particles would be awesome. I can’t do that currently. If I need to so something that iterates over the particles, it means regenerating the entire ProceduralMeshComponent which takes a few seconds due to the amount of data.
  • Multi-channel rendering - Planetariums, research facilities, schools, museums and amusement parks often have systems where something is projected through multiple displays to create a single large image. Depending on the system, the projections might have to be overlapped and corrected for perspective. Some tools, libraries, functionality, tutorials for developing visualizations that run on these types of systems would be a huge help.

You might check out our new particle system and see if you can use it to do some of what you’re trying to do. Programmable VFX with Unreal Engine's Niagara | GDC 2018 | Unreal Engine - YouTube

Multi-channel rendering is coming. Contact us for details.

This is great news. I think Niagra might cover most of the bases provided it performs well. If I get and build the master branch will it contain Niagra functionality?

Hi, I have an idea of something that could be added to its engine.
Sometimes we have to go from a blueprint actor to a blueprint character.
Se would be well its of power with a variable or other that could be of the blueprint of an actor and that one could receive on the blueprint of a character.
I was often blocked because of this problem.
There you go!

I’m not sure. Watch for 4.20 previews.

Niagara’s dev-branch has been merged into master branch yesterday :slight_smile: