What versions of Rhino, Unreal Editor and Datasmith exporter are you using?
- FYI, I did successful export of a cube with soft edges using datasmith:
- with rhino 7, datasmith 5.3.2 and UE 5.4 P1
- with rhino 7, datasmith 5.2.1 and UE 5.3.2
We are yet to update the plugin for Rhino8 and check that nothing has changed regarding the udatasmith export.
I did a test of export selected, and you have an option to export only selected part in datasmith, not only in 3dm.
It does not look like rhino export the parametric surfaces with modifiers applied on it. The soft edge settings seems to be in a metadata that Rhino reused when re-opening the model. UE does not have functionality to apply a bevel on those parametric surface.
In the case of parametric surface import, UE will tessellate what is provided and does not have function to apply bevel on surfaces .
In the case of mesh surface, UE will import what is in the file. It looks like Rhino exports a render mesh but without modifiers applied on it. So there are no soft edges in the mesh to be read by UE.
I am reaching out to McNeel to see if it is an option missing on export, or something not setup properly in the way we read the 3dm, or if they just do not export that information.
Currently the solutions are:
- udatasmith (that seemed to work in my tests),
- export to another file format that is “mesh only” to force Rhino to export the render mesh
- call the function “extract the render mesh” and save that duplicated object in a 3dm file.