Custom Event doesn't react

Uping This !

Hey Shawrex,
I’m having hard time understanding what is going on here, would you dumb it down for me please? (it’s really hot over here, hard to concentrate) :slight_smile:
Alternatively catch me on discord and maybe we can work it out together :slight_smile:

Hey all,
posting this just in case someone else might need it, although this is a very “dirty” way of doing it. I’m sure there are better ways of doing it.
At least it might give someone a head start and something to improve on.

So I’ve created two widgets, each with an image that represents the crosshair. I guess you could do with one and then just change the image itself. Image was anchored to middle of the screen with 0.5 alignment for x/y.
Then I used similar widget as @Shawrex (see first screen on top of the post) with two buttons just so I could toggle between the crosshair types.

And below is the actual code (inside menu widget). I didn’t play with it too much as it’s a bit late here so some of the stuff might not be needed, but I will leave it to the professionals to point that out.
Both widgets(crosshairs) are created when the menu widget is first created, then I just hid them and used buttons to toggle their visibility.
As I said earlier this is a dirty way of doing it but it does work. We can’t all be pros, can we? :slight_smile: