Cryengine Has Adopted a "Pay What You Want" Model

Look at it this way though, if you encourage people to use an industry standard language (C++) it can help them out in the future.

They’ll have first-hand experience using said language which, so long as it can be proven, looks great on a resume.

I’m not saying C# integration is a bad thing; it would make a great addition.

However, it shouldn’t replace C++ which is what most people would be dealing with when they go into the industry.

Even if C# allows you to do something faster, sooner or later, supposing the person using it wants to work in the industry professionally, they’ll have to learn C++ and how to work with it efficiently anyway…so why not give them a head start…

Baking lighting? Nice! What are you building?

Do you guys have any popularity comparison chart of C++ & C# for the last years?

Although Ubi is notable for releasing buggy games, this is pretty much standard in game development today:

They not only do not run any bytecode environments, C# and etc, in game code… They also never use standard c++ library as well. EpicGames is not the only one doing this in UE4.
(and no, that Unity in the video is not about the unity game engine)

You don’t need a resume or need to know C++ to become a successful indie, if you’re looking to get a job in the industry C++ will be the least of your concerns as competition is fierce. A bit of context helps, a lot of developers aren’t interested in working for someone else…

Talking about competition:

Efficient workflows / asset stores and extremely simple coding environments is an irony within itself. The smart thing to do in a business sense is to find the most efficient workflow and Unity provided this. The problem being it has become a casualty of its own success and not just in the engine market, but in the Indie game market as well…

Excessive saturation in both markets has lead to fiscal issues, in which Indie developers now have to far exceed to be competitive. Which to do that you need simpler workflows so it has become an ouroboros which circled power back into AAA developers hands, a place where Indie’s can’t compete. Talk about Irony huh? " the democratization of gaming" although it isn’t really…!

End of the day, scripting languages are only a portion of the end result and you use whatever gives you the highest chance of making your game a success. If I was doing a top down hack n’ slash, I’d never use Unreal because it’s too much work… But I do FPS RPG’s in which scalability and workflow tools for me are a major issue (amongst a metric ton of other things), **C# won’t change that… **

Also a well documented API with decent examples and good support will always be far more important than the language you use (unless it’s something like assembly of course). But I stopped trying to convince people of that a long time ago…

Although C++ knowledge won’t make or break a job interview/application process it will certainly help.

Consider this situation:

Person 1 walks into an office and states that he wants to design games. He presents some drafts and manuscripts and they all look good. Then he’s asked what else he can do and he states that he’s used C# and Phython programming languages (among other things).

Person 2 goes in next and his drafts and manuscripts are all well and good, but then he’s asked what else he’s done. Person 2 states that he has C++ knowledge, having needed to learn it for a previous project, and a little bit of BATCH as well.

Of course the Employer is going with Person 2. Although the works provided are of roughly the same quality, and they both have programming knowledge it’s Person 2 that has the knowledge of the industry standard; the thing the Employer’s company and most other companies use.

Knowing C++, a professionally used language, can really give one an edge when going for a job in the game industry; competition is fierce which is why you should be above the average.

Of course you need to know how to work efficiently as well, but that’s really in any job.

C# integration into Unreal wouldn’t be a bad thing, but if there could only be one language then it might as well be C++…knowing something that can open up opportunities easier is never a bad thing.

I don’t know why there is a discussion about programming languages at all. Every language has its pros and cons. If you are a professional programmer or if you are taking programming just a little bit serious, you don’t care about the language your are using at all. It doesn’t matter if you are experienced in C++ or not. Programming is a logical thing and can be written down in hundreds of languages.

Btw C++ isn’t hard at all. It’s just not allowed to be lazy. If you are good in C# or in any other OO-language, you should be able to learn C++ very fast.

I have a slight feeling that this discussion is going a bit off-topic here. :smiley:

If you were equally proficient in C++ and C# and were asked to work on something in both languages, which one would be faster to finish?

It depends on the given task. If I’m going to do a normal desktop or phone application, I would definitely say C#. If the task is about implementing something which needs a higher performance I would say C++.

But as you may have noticed in my answer, I wouldn’t decide by the implementation speed. It’s natural that you are faster by implementing something in a high level language, then in a lower one.

I’m actually far more proficient in C++ than C# (component based), first time I used C# was 4 years ago in Unity and simply put it’s far more productive. When I used OpenTK to build a game framework, there was a stark contrast between Unitys way of doing stuff than generic C# in which the gap shortened.

In technically difficult games, you’re going to need to know more than C++ and / or C# anyway (ideally) for stuff like shaders. It depends on what you’re doing really.!

For game logic though, component based C# is pretty swift to use and never really had any issues with it.