Creating custom FSM

Whenever you want light-weight coding entities I recommend USTRUCTS, then you need at most 1 UObject or Actor manager of your system to tick all your USTRUCTs

UStructs, They Are Awesome!,_USTRUCTS(),_They're_Awesome

**Thousands of UE4-Integrated Stale-Pointer Protected, Light-weight Entities**

This way you can comfortably make 2000+ states with their own instanced variables and proper entitization, and you will have a very stable system that is also light-weight, as with USTRUCTS you can pass everything by reference :)

Keep in mind though with USTRUCTS you still get stale UObject Ptr protection, as long as you store your UStruct State array in a UObject or AActor class and mark it with UPROPERTY().

GameState would be a good place to store your state array :)


UPROPERTY() //<~~~~ Gives you GC protection and stale ptr protection if you have ptrs to UObjects inside of FYourState
TArray<FYourState> FSM;


But if your FSM is per actor then you can do this same thing in your actor class

then override Actor tick and have it tick each of your USTRUCTS


FYourState::Tick(float DeltaSeconds)
   //Now you are fully hooked into the awesomeness that is UE4 while having instanced vars in a by-ref (more stable than ptrs) GC-protected data format.



PS: More on Stale Ptr Protection and GC