Creating blueprint assets/hierarchies with Python

Is it yet possible to add nodes to an Editor Graph? Like the people above, I think it would have value to automate the construction of Blueprint hierarchies.

My solution for BP for each mesh asset, withou static mesh component:

import unreal

package_path = '/Game/PLATFORMER_StylizedCubeWorld_Vol1/Models/Background'

# Get all assets in the folder
all_assets = unreal.EditorAssetLibrary.list_assets(package_path)

# Extract and print the names of the assets
for asset_data in all_assets:
    asset_name = asset_data.rsplit(".", 1)[-1]
    factory = unreal.BlueprintFactory()
    factory.set_editor_property("ParentClass", unreal.Actor)

    asset_tools = unreal.AssetToolsHelpers.get_asset_tools()
    my_new_asset = asset_tools.create_asset(asset_name + "_BP", package_path, None, factory)


Hello there! Trying to do something similar with python with no good results. Honestly I can’t grasp the logic very well. Can someone help please? Going back to the original question I would like to add my StaticMesh inside my BP.

There is a way to add static mesh components to a BP actor class created by Python, one can use the “unreal.SubobjectDataBlueprintFunctionLibrary.get_data/get_object” functions. I include a function which creates BP actor and assigns static meshes based on the code by

def createBP(asset_name='myNewBPActorClass',
             inst_pos=unreal.Vector(-4000, -450, 50),
    '''create an instance of a new BP class with 30 static (Cube) mesh components 

        asset_name: string, name of the new BP class
        package_path: string, the folder/path in the content browser to store the new BP 
        mesh_asset_path: string, path of the static mesh asset in UE5 content browser
        material_asset_path: string, path (in the UE5 content browser) of the material 
                             assinged to static mesh components in the new BP actor
        component_prefix: string, prefix of the name of static mesh components in the new BP actor
        component_width: integer > 0, the (bounding box) width of the static mesh components in the BP 
        inst_pos: unreal.Vector, position of the new BP actor instance in the level
        inst_label: string, name/label of the instance of the newly created BP actor

        On Exit: 
            creates a new BP class, and itialises an instance in the Level 
    # the number of static mesh components in the BP actor
    number_of_componets = 30  
    # create a new BP class asset
    factory = unreal.BlueprintFactory()
    factory.set_editor_property("ParentClass", unreal.Actor)

    asset_tools = unreal.AssetToolsHelpers.get_asset_tools()
    my_new_asset = asset_tools.create_asset(asset_name, package_path, None, factory)

    # get the root data handle
    subsystem = unreal.get_engine_subsystem(unreal.SubobjectDataSubsystem)
    data_handles = subsystem.k2_gather_subobject_data_for_blueprint(my_new_asset)

    # we need the value of the root data handle which 
    # seems to be the data handle with index 0!
    root_data_handle = data_handles[0]
    # our new asset is the new BP actor class
    bp_actor = my_new_asset
    # static mesh asset to assign to static mesh components of BP actor 
    static_mesh_asset = unreal.load_asset(mesh_asset_path)
    # load the test material
    testMat = unreal.EditorAssetLibrary.find_asset_data(material_asset_path).get_asset()
    # create 30 static mesh component subobjects
    for x in range(0, number_of_componets):
        # unreal.StaticMeshComponent class alias
        staticmesh = unreal.StaticMeshComponent

        #add new component
        sub_handle, fail_reson = subsystem.add_new_subobject(

        subsystem.rename_subobject(handle=sub_handle, new_name=unreal.Text(component_prefix + str(x)))
        data = unreal.SubobjectDataBlueprintFunctionLibrary.get_data(sub_handle) # get data
        data_obj = unreal.SubobjectDataBlueprintFunctionLibrary.get_object(data) # get data object 
        # print(data_obj) # this is the actual static_mesh compoment of the BP actor
        data_obj.set_editor_property('static_mesh', static_mesh_asset) 
        data_obj.set_relative_location(unreal.Vector(x * component_width, 0.0, 0.0), False, False)
        data_obj.set_material(0, testMat)

    # save the new BP actor asset

    # create a new instance in the editor 
    custom_bp_class = unreal.EditorAssetLibrary.load_blueprint_class(package_path+'/'+asset_name)

    eaSub = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.EditorActorSubsystem)
    new_custom_actor = eaSub.spawn_actor_from_class(custom_bp_class,
                                                    unreal.Rotator(0, 0, 0))
    unreal.log(f'New BP actor instance --> {new_custom_actor}.')