Cooking fails because of CEF3 whereas I don't use it (neither WebBrowser)

Good to hear you managed to fix it as well :slight_smile:

On request, here’s a summary again:

I had same problem. I tried to create a plugin with a new AnimGraph node, but can’t build it outside of Editor with same messages. node needs UnrealEd/AnimGraph dependencies to compile.

I’ve actually solved my problem by splitting my plugin up into a runtime plugin that contains animnode, and an editor plugin that contains AnimGraphNode needed for editor as explained here :

That way non-editor compiles don’t depend on UnrealEd, BlueprintGraph, or AnimGraph anymore, and thus don’t need CEF3.

I have following paths/modules in my editor plugin .Build.cs :

             new string[] {

             new string[] {

             new string[]
             new string[]

And this is my runtime build file :

             new string[] {

             new string[] {

             new string[]

Not sure if this makes sense in terms of splitting public/private, but it works for me :slight_smile:

Thanks again :slight_smile: