August 8, 2021, 6:05am
detecting a thin box
collision placed on the floor of the
terrain, which is completely flat.
Here’s a method that does not rely on geometry, making such box redundant (but you may have other uses for it, ofc)
Think of this as of a virtual plane positioned at Plane Origin and facing along the Plane Normal. The returned intersection would be the world location where the line hits that plane.
Here’s a visualisation and an example:
You’re tracing with a fixed distance of 500, replacing the projection’s X with a fixed value. It’s actually hard to imagine how that would look like, a strangely distorted / twisted undulating surface mayhaps? , for sure.
I want this trace to stay on the same plane as my character, so the X value of the start point & end point should be the same.
Consider the following:
create a virtual plane where the character is and point it towards X (Plane Normal 1,0,0) …