[Community Project] WIP Weather & Water Shader

Sorry! I found it now, didn’t understand the post at first, but I got it working now. :slight_smile:
Will report back on HTC Vive performance tonight if no one has already.

Is there any comprehensive step by step tutorial on how to import the into our own projects? I would personally greatly appreciate it!

I posted a page or two back and its been posted about 50 times in thread and I think its even on the …

Has anyone tried running plugin + TrueSky? i’m having some pretty bad issues with flashing artifacts and all sorts, not sure which is the culprit.

Curious, but if I wanted to use your water shader/weather in a project, is there a kit or some guide to follow to make sure its implemented properly?

I’m using them together, the only problem I notice is that the water can be seen through the clouds. If you have other problems it might be because you have a newer version.

I think i managed to fix whatever is causing the by disabling the TrueSky godrays, if i left them enabled, the would appear to bounce whenever my character or camera moved, and always flashing artifacts on the horizon, as i said very weird.

Wow looks amazing. Are we allowed to implement system in our own games and projects?

Yes StormTwo. Welcome top the Thread.

(Said as gently as possible.) You might read the thread. I know it is long, but, it has info on issues… how you can use the plugin and other stuff you might find useful.

Again, Welcome to UE 4 and cool plug in.

is really exceptional, fantastic!! I am using it for a VR project, and everything looks perfect until i turn on instanced stereo rendering, then stereoscopy on water is messed up.
Anyone got working with instanced stereo rendering?

Hey all, been a while, how’s things? :smiley:

I just pushed a couple new branches to , first one was a 4.11 branch which had no changes since the 4.10 branch other than recompiling the plugin for 4.11. Second one is the 4.12 preview branch (requires 4.12 preview 3) with the new Planar Reflections that were added by Epic.

The PlanarReflection scene actor also comes as a blueprint component, which has been attached to the BP_Ocean blueprint 360 units above the surface and scaled up to cover the whole plane. Performance did take a bit of a hit, but considering the increase in quality it is well worth it (not a lot, only 5fps on my machine).

Anyone who is interested in using the 4.12p3 version should read up on the limitations so far, and also a bug that affects editor performance when adjusting parameters (not in game). is just an initial commit with the base implemented, any fixes that arise will be added as possible.

Let me know how it goes if you try out 4.12!

Hes alive! And here I was going to trek across the mountains in search of the elusive .

Excited to take a look for some demo screenies for my game… I was going to sleep after 24 hour coding fest for a fire control system but no DC just had to give us a tease, compiling 4.12p3 now and donwloading your commit. :smiley: Thanks!

I’ve got a team member working on FFT’s still. progress is slow but steady.

4.12p3 will crash continously with the shader files when compiling defaultgridmaterial if you dont run a regular template project and compile materials before opening preview

Edit: still crashing, verified engine to replace shaders to default, ran a first person template and made sure the material in question was compiled, saved/closed, ran fresh project and
shadercomilerworker.exe loads up the cpu like youd expect and project gets to 45% thenc rashes.

Preview versions for a reason.

Fatal error: [File:D:\Build\++UE4+Release-4.12+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\ShaderCompiler\ShaderCompiler.cpp] [Line: 1559] 
Failed to compile default material /Engine/EngineMaterials/WorldGridMaterial.WorldGridMaterial!

Actually it runs on stock shaders I’ll assume they havnt been rewritten for a preview version. Woo multi post

Hey ! How are you doing? Good to hear from you!

Yeah I was just going to reply with that, shaders will need to be updated for each version. I actually haven’t even tried them in 4.11 yet, should probably get around to trying that. :slight_smile:

The Shaders were updated by TK on the 4.11 branch, but for now anyone wanting to use 4.12p3 just ignore the optional shaders, they will be updated for the full 4.12 release.

There are some big changes from 4.11 to 4.12 shaders so itll take someone with smart slike TK. I might lookinto it because I love look.

Heres a demo screenie, feel free to use it.

When building from source using the code from I get a lot of errors regarding “Property is exposed to the editor or blueprints but has no Category specified.” I was able to fix it by going through OceanManager.h and adding a Category argument to all of the UPROPERTY definitions, and everything then built fine. Just a heads up if anybody else is getting error.

Hey TK. Want to take my ShipFwdVector to FVector X return float angle in degrees code and create an entire bpfunclib for me (and else :stuck_out_tongue: ) that does trig and vector math. Rama could add that too.

Rotations make no sense to me in ue4 versus unity/blender/maya etc.

Just for the record, will remain free once its released right? Or is it going commercial?

I had problem too, but mine is not compiling still, i have error, UnrealBuildTool: LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file ‘E:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\4.11\Engine\Plugins\OceanPlugin\Binaries\Win64\UE4-OceanPlugin.lib’

Any ideas?