[Code Plugin] Feedback Event Factory

@sweetdardo I have a new 4.23 build, but I cannot request an update while I have a pending update for my 4.24 request. That said, for reasons I won’t try to explain here, I think there’s a chance that my original request for the 4.24 update could trigger a 4.23 update, as well, cause I updated the zip file located at the link for 4.23.

Either way, I’ll check back in when the 4.24 update goes through and if you still need another 4.23 I will submit it. As I said, a quick work around should just be to disable that rumble for now. Sorry for the troubles here :confused:

Thanks Ryan,

I`m still in blueprint but I recompiled the plugin with those 2 lines and that did the trick, No more crashes :slight_smile:

Good news! Glad you got it sorted :slight_smile: Sorry again for the hassle :confused:

The 4.24 update is now live! Here’s a quick summary of changes:

  • update default sound loop delay to equal (head duration - head fade out duration)
  • changed default attachment type to KeepRelativeOffset
  • fix “HasActiveEvents” crashes
  • add “DebugTimeDilation” support
  • add support for applying a SoundMix

The 4.25 update is live! A quick summary of changes:

  • autofill ForceFeedbackName w/ class name if not set
  • add support for playing sound “tail” even when you don’t have a “loop” defined…or “head” for that matter!
  • add some more useful error output for “Fast” spawn variants
  • add support for bCameraShakeStopNonLooping
  • don’t force camera shakes to stop immediately; let the blend out settings take control

Another 4.25 update went live with requested support for Niagara particles! I also added some additional particle parameters, including support for specifying pooling type. Hope you enjoy :slight_smile:

The 4.26 update is now live! Apologies for the delay on that. It was largely just a compatibility update, so no new changes to call out.

Apologies if anyone had issues with the 4.26 update, but a fix has now been submitted for a crash spawning the feedback event!

Unfortunately, I don’t receive email updates when people leave questions or reviews on the Unreal Marketplace, so if you don’t hear from me there please don’t hesitate to post a question here or email support@masonicstudios.com

Support for 4.27 is now live on the marketplace :slight_smile:

Support for 5.0 is now live on the marketplace :tada:

Updates are now live for 5.1 - 5.3 :tada: Please let me know if anyone runs into any issues :pray:

5.4 update is now live! :tada: