Clamp sphere trace

How about:

Oh that’s good, can you control the orientation of the capsule?

orientation of the capsule?

Flip it on its side? I don’t think so, not an UE thing to do, sadly :expressionless: So maybe:

  • this:

  • or a completely different approach:


At least we’re not paying the cost of tracing through who knows what across the world, and now we have another cost to pay instead. But you get a class and object type filter! And can ignore other stuff automagically.

@DarkEmbrace96 there are also multi version of the trace nodes so you can scoop up numerous nearby items in one go.

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While the box trace would work to control size and orientation, it tends to Flatten out when looking in certain directions, so it’s not very consistent, the Box collision however is what I mostly use personally when I want a weirdly shaped trace.

This is from my own code, and it’s not a sphere, it’s a cone that I didn’t bother to change the name of after a sphere didn’t work XD

I also use tags because I don’t want to load classes because:
I could use multiple
Don’t want to load them into memory, because classes also load their children.
Tags are basically free.

Lemme introduce you to Mr.Conehead:

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Haha, I must admit, your cone is bigger XD

Mr. Conehead, please meet Mr. Conemouth.


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