Citizen Pain | Action Adventure in First-Person

Greyboxing level design continues, this time with the implementation of destructibles.

I made destructibles as fractures. They can be destroyed when the player attacks them. Same logic was done for enemies, with the addition that if AIs have a destructible in front of them they always have to hit it.

Also, I changed the player dash again. I had lowered the dash speed since it was too fast, creating a lot of motion sickness. Prevously, to prevent motion sickness, I had lowered it too much and the dash was very boring. I raised the dash speed again, but this time eliminating the motion sickness by greatly reducing the dash time (from more than half a second to ¼ second), I was inspired by the dash in Doom Eternal.

Faster dash could make you too much stronger, so I greatly increased the consumed stamina for dash, now you can’t dash 2 times in a row, and you have to wait 1-2 seconds before you have the stamina needed to dash again.
Also I tweaked the Lunge attack, since this also was creating motion sickness due to the combination of high speed and dash time.


I had to stop a bit with greyboxing, I have some performance issues to reach 60fps because of too many lights in the level. I am putting in various triggers for switching the lights only when the player enters the area.


I am adding a new enemy, a soldier who shoots from afar.

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I still implement the soldier throwing arrows, fixing the collider of the arrows. I’m not sure if the size of the collider is right, a little too big.

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I positioned the soldier with the crossbow, shooting the player from above while the 2 melee enemies attack the player. Also I placed a hole, there is a collider that kills on collision at the bottom when someone falls into it.

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I’m adding new destructibles.

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This week I stopped with the greybox to implement some gameplay things.

I added a new enemy, a soldier who shoots arrows from a distance. The arrows also destroy destructibles.

I also made some improvements to destructibles, including removing the collision with the player and enemies right after it’s destroyed. Plus you can now destroy destructibles using dash.

I placed a hole in the level, where there is a collider at the bottom that kills the player and enemies.

I spent the rest of the time placing various destructibles in the level.


New destructibles: tables and chairs.

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I am implementing a new enemy, the soldier swordsman:

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Experimenting with firebomb particles, a weapon that can be launched by soldiers.

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Now the soldier can throw the firebomb:

More tweaks on firebomb throwing behavior.

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Hi again @Ordnas006,

Hope you’ve been well! :slight_smile:

Love seeing all the development updates and stages. Everything looks great so far and I can’t wait to follow the project more. Especially for the combat - it looks like a lot of effort is going into it.

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Thank you @PresumptivePanda for the kind words! Yes, I am focusing a lot on combat mechanics, I am a lover of combat systems :slight_smile:

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Can’t wait to see what you come up with. :slight_smile:

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This week I implemented a new enemy, the Soldier Swordsman. These enemies have much more health than the normal enemies. They have a chance to throw a Firebomb, which creates an area damage.

At the moment their attacks consist of two slow horizontal swings, and a side step where they can block player attacks (not implemented for now).

In addition, I created other destructibles such as chairs and tables, and placed them in the greybox level together with the Soldier Swordsman.

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Hi again @Ordnas006,

Hope you’ve been well!

This combat seems perfectly created to make me question my gaming skills :joy: I have a talent for “forgetting” to block. Jokes aside, this looks like its shaping up to be really fun!

Happy developing and can’t wait to see more :slight_smile:

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Haha, yes, I would like to put a good level of challenge :smiley:

Thank you for the compliments :heart:

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I added a health bar above the enemies, to show how much damage you do to them and how much health they still have left:

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Added support for showing multiple health bar, 3d widgets above each enemy.