Child Actor Component not following parent

Thank you so much! This was the actual issue. I disabled it and every thing works now. I coded the “manual” mouse input for orientation by myself anyways.

As I got a request on how I implemented the custom mouse input, while no HMD is attached for testing, here my explanation:

  1. Add a camera component to your BP
  2. Add Mouse input events like the following (the “In Range” node is to prevent unexpected behaviour when the player moves the camera 90° up or down:

  1. Add this to event tick (the “Then 1” path of the sequence isn’t relevant for this; This resets the roll axis every frame so it doesn’t get rotated while the player moves down and left for example):

The variable “Mouse Speed” is just a multiplier to increase movement speed (my value is 2,5).

I hope I could help :wink:


This is what you want.