Child Actor Component keeps corrupting it's parent actor .uasset

Exactly the same issue here :smiley:

I had a pretty dirty achitecture for a pure blueprints-made VR project with a simple character owning 2 hands meshes, 2 hands sphere colliders, every function doubled (right and left), etc. and as soon as I switched to a cleaner architecture with just 2 child actors refering to a dedicated “hand” blueprint, everything collapsed !
The project cannot package anymore (same error than below), and if I close it, the project crashes at start unless I remove my character class from the Content folder…

Hi ,

It looks like a lot of us are running into this same issue. Has this been acknowledged as a bug, yet?


Thanks, !

Hello Everyone,

As many of you have pointed out, this issue is caused by the use of Child Actor Components. As emretanirgan pointed out, this crash was reported and has been fixed for 4.15: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-39323) . You can check the 4.15 branch on GitHub to see if the issues still occurs for you there. For the time being, the best solution would be to avoid the use of child actor components. If you are still getting a crash after the final release of 4.15, feel free to comment back here to reopen this post for further investigation.


I tested the 4.15 changes to ChildActorComponent.cpp and it fixed the issue on our build.

Is there a rough timeline on when we can expect 4.15?

Hey OKomili-

We are aiming at the 4.15 release being available around February, however the 4.15 branch available on GitHub should contain this fix as jtakemann mentioned. If you do decide to use the 4.15 branch, I would suggest creating a copy of your project to work in as other changes and updates will go into the branch prior to the final 4.15 release.

Just gonna leave this question here. Was trying to download the branch from github 4.15. Running the Setup.bat file i get “Failed to download ‘’: The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters. (PathTooLongException)” Just a headsup, is there away around that?

Hey Blackrock-

If you’re trying to install the engine in a nested file structure, please try moving the install directory (where Setup.bat and GenerateProjectFiles.bat lives) closer to the directory root (C:\ or D:).

I’m on 4.15.1 and the problem still happen. I have an UChildActorComponent on my custom character C++ class. All is fine until I make a package, then the error log points to ADirectionalLight.cpp (!!!???). I don’t know what to do :frowning:

Hey -

If you’re having an issue with packaging your project then what you’re seeing is not likely related to this specific issue. Please create a new post with as much detail about your issue as possible. Please be sure to include the full error message as well as the setup that you’re using to help us investigate the issue.

Having the same issue with 4.15… again…could I just overwrite ChildActorComponent.cpp from git and rebuild to fix this?

Hey GoatOfDeath-

Can you explain exactly what you’re seeing? If you’re using the engine from github source, then yes you can edit the ChildActorComponent.cpp file. If you’re using the binary version of the engine from the Launcher, this is not possible as the code is precompiled and cannot be changed.

I upgraded my project from 4.15.2 to 4.17.2 and started getting the same type of errors, but only in my built game.


Warning: Serialized Class /Script/CoreUObject.LinkerPlaceholderExportObject for a property of WidgetBlueprintGeneratedClass /Game/CCGToolkit/Blueprints/Widgets/Gameplay/ViewCard_Default.ViewCard_Default_C. Reference will be nullptred. Property = ObjectProperty /Game/CCGToolkit/Blueprints/Widgets/Menu/DeckBuilder/LibraryCard.LibraryCard_C:CardBase Item = LinkerPlaceholderExportObject /Game/CCGToolkit/Blueprints/Widgets/Menu/DeckBuilder/DeckBuilder.PLACEHOLDER-INST_of_ViewCard_Default_C_25

Most of my child actors are corrupted in the built game. No errors and problems in Editor.

I am able to restore some functionality via “Create Widget” instead of having static Widgets in my UMG editor.