It’s not my plugin, but I can’t live without it. you can use it in blueprints only projects, otherwise I would not have put it as a solution . The plugin exposes a lot of usable c++ functions.
well if you do blueprints, you’re a developper
I know this is a blueprint question but with a few C++ lines you can get very precise results, see here How to check if game is running - #12 by tuatec. Maybe someone will find this useful as well, it took me quite some time to figure this out.
Another thing that seems to work is
static bool isEditorBuild()
return true;
return false;
To add to this, the complete code for this would be (for UE5 and onward):
Assuming you’ve made a header file named “CommonUtilsBlueprintLibrary”, this would work out of the box and provide you with a globally callable BP function named “RunningInPIE”.
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Kismet/BlueprintFunctionLibrary.h"
#include "CommonUtilsBlueprintLibrary.generated.h"
class UCommonUtilsBlueprintLibrary: public UBlueprintFunctionLibrary
//! Allow the blueprint to determine whether we are running with the editor or not
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, BlueprintCallable, Category = "CommonUtilsFunctionLibrary")
static bool RunningInPIE()
return true;
return false;
The question is clearly about pure vanilla BP VM, the C++ code posted has no relevance. And while there are no 100% way to check it in vanilla, we have workarounds:
Brilliant, this post can already be resolved by the OP. The ultimate workaround
Thanks a lot ! And With this tutorial video solve my problem【WTF Is? Is Packaged For Distribution in Unreal Engine 4 ( UE4 ) - YouTube
Holy crap what a plugin, thanks for sharingĄ
Is there a better way in C++? WITH_EDITOR is not enough
Not enough how? You can’t possible package standalone runtime for distribution WITH_EDITOR
enabled. You gonna have to rewrite and fix a LOT of things. Not even mentioning you are not allowed to redistribute EDITOR stuff.
So it is more than enough.
Not fond of the “hack” way you are using with UEDPIE. It’s not for packing, it is for detecting whether it is running in animation/particle editor or other editor window other than PIE.
Программирую для андроид. Мне помогает (if “Get Platform Name” == Windows)
Can you use [Get Game Mode] → [Is Valid ?] ? It will return null if in the editor and if in game non null
I know it’s not the answer for the exact question of the OP, but it’s somehow related:
Without any plugins, in out of the box UE, you can use this node:
return EBuildConfiguration::Debug;
return bIsDebugGame ? EBuildConfiguration::DebugGame : EBuildConfiguration::Development;
return EBuildConfiguration::Shipping;
return EBuildConfiguration::Test;
return EBuildConfiguration::Unknown;
It will return one of: Debug, Development, Shipping, Test or Unknown and you can react to the value of this string accordingly.
It’s more granular than IsPackagedForDistribution node but doesn’t require third party wonky plugins to be installed.