Character Rotation Resets to Default

It’s depending on what direction the player is pressing, but even with set values the direction isn’t changing at all with that setup, am definitely confused why, I’ll try some more options tomorrow, thanks for the help so far.

Why just not use blend space?

Don’t think that’s a good idea since I’m dealing with various differents animations depending on a combo counter, I don’t want the character to be able to attack while running around, I simply want a direction change.

There probably be a difference between character rotation and controller rotation. If you rotate your character in BP, but your controller orient to movement probably your rotation will reset to controller rotation. Maybe solution is to switch this between attacks (Orient to movement/rotation etc). I can’t currently test (but will try later).

I have all the options we’ve been testing in the Character BP, do you want to check the project itself and check what I might be doing wrong? Might be a bit easier for both of us instead of just sending screenshots.

Sure. You can use PM to send me the project if you want so I can take a look.