Character Not Updating Position at End of Animation Montage

hey man this isn’t easy have gone through ALOT

so first i created a rig with root bone and transfer all my animation to it (that didn’t work because I created a bone named root and parented the hips bone to it then move all the root motion to it)

secondly i named the bone object to Root and copy all the root motion to the bone object (this kind of works, but with lots of errors)

so, i got really frustrated and exported the unreal engine character with its Rig (then i created a basic animation, and when i check its rig i noticed the parent bone is the hips and the bone object is named Root i open it unreal, and the capsule follows the animation)

so, with that I hurriedly rig my character with unreal engine bone structure (and transferred the animation to it and it works but a new problem was discovered the root motion Z-axis is Ignored, so my capsule does not move it Z-location)

I used Blender with AutoRigPro
Will the capsule follow if I animate my hip bones on the Z-axis?

animation with root motion

animation without toot motion