Character Movement Issue

The more I mess with the jump, it seems it’s a time in air issue. When I jump and turn, it jumps again, when I jump to a step(up) it jumps again. Not on run jump or stand jump.

Also, when I unhook Idle Notify and the Jog notify, it jumps twice every time.

OK. I just created a side-scroller template and I can jump fine. So if you see this issue then it’s something that you changed.

Yes, I remember, I came here for help on getting the player to jump with the animation and was told to add the enable jump to the characterBP. besides that, they are identical. ???

Also, just wondering, did you add the Animation starter Pack as I stated initially? That is the jump anim you should be testing to compare to my situation, no offense. That one doesn’t jump correct from the start and you will need to adjust it to just get the jump animation working.

Jump with the animation? What do you mean?

Its jump is a walking jump to start with, by coming here, someone suggested I add the Enable Jump to the Character BP to actually use the Jump Animation.

Or else as I said, while in air(jumping) it is walking.

Why wasn’t the template jump functionality sufficient? That doesn’t use the starter pack animations.

I needed a better jump with (holding gun)

But that’s just an animation, that shouldn’t affect the jump functionality. In the jump state, you replace the old jump animation node with a node for the new jump animation. Can you point me to the post where you were told to add EnableJump?

Yes, I will look in my profile to find it. Also, I opened another sidescroller and went through what I needed and figured this out. My own changes as you stated that caused this problem is this.

I made the jump animation the stand jump instead of the run jump, it looked bad. I looked better with the stand jump.

Now, is there any way to fix this to work or am I out of options for using the animation starter pack?

Okay, here is the link, I see I might have got confused with what they were saying. not sure.

This is the way the animation graph state machine looks when the side-scroller template is generated

How did it turn into what you have now?

Oh, the starter pack…

Yes the starter pack is what I am working with. I can fix it by returning it to the run jump or Jog to Jump anim, but that looks bad. I would prefer to have the stand to jump as run jump if possible. It just looks better. But as soon as I change it, the problem is back. It doesn’t like using stand to jump over jog to jump. Can I get it to work some how?

OK I looked into it directly. The way the starter pack animation is set up, it’s going to be a pain to get it to look right. I was able to get it to use the starter pack jump correctly, but the jump is just a single animation so it looks horrible. The way it started in the template, there are three states: jump-start, jump-loop, and jump-end. That way, you have an animation that jumps up, an animation that falls through the air, and an animation that lands. This is the right way to do it. If you need to have a rifle pose then you will need more than this one jump animation. Those are not in the starter pack. It just has single jump animations, which would look right for short jumps, but not long ones like in a platformer game.

So you have two options: first, you could use blending so you can use the template’s jumping system but overwrite the upper body of the animation so you can add in the rifle-holding pose. That adds complications, like if you’re jumping, his legs would move fine but his upper body would be stuck in that rifle-holding pose. It might not look great, but it’s easy, and you can always get better animations later.

The other option is to get the better animations now. There are animation sets available on the marketplace as well as on Mixamo. Whichever you choose, getting all that to work will be its own endeavor. But there are lots of tutorials on how to import animations and “retarget” them to your skeleton. It’s a confusing pain, but it will lead to the best results.

By the way, I got it to “work” (from the default template with anim starter pack added) by changing the character mesh to HERO_TPP and the animation to the associated animBP and then adding this to the event graph:

With the long jumps, it’s not going to be sufficient IMO, and it’s pretty ugly. But that is, technically, “working”.

Well believe it or not, with having the stand to jump instead of jog to jump and doing it like you showed, enable jump “yes” AND enable jump “no” on the character fixed it. I only had yes.

Cool. Be sure to clean out all that stuff that was added. You don’t want wasted CPU or to confuse yourself in the future…

Also, when you feel adventurous, check out how to get the three-stage jumping to work with an animation set that has rifle-holding. Good luck!

Thanks, ya, there is still a lot to learn with BP’s sometimes it scrambles my brain. I will check out other options as you suggest, might take me time, I am a solo developer. lol Thanks once again.