Chaos vehicles do nothing, Literally

Guys…I am on 4.26.
Spent a whole day to make it work…nothing… the car falls stiff and no controls working at all.

I did the whole thing on UE5 and it worked at the first try…so I get all needed to make it work right:

  • import Skeletal mesh rig with right axes
    -set physics wheels to sphere, root as multi convex hull
    -create animation blueprint, class vehicleinstance and set the mesh-space–>wheel controller → component to local—>output pose stuff
    -create a blueprint class chaosVehicles
    -Set the skeletal mesh, enabled physics
    -created front and back wheel bps class chaos vehiclewheel
  • front wheel affected by steering and engine
  • set the skeletal mesh of the blueprint to animation blueprint and set the ABP I did before
    -added the 4 array elements for the wheels in the vehicle movement component
    with the 4 bone names and the tires BP types (front and rear)
    -created a curve for the engine setup.

in 4.26 just dont works.
in 5.0 works


I need it working on 4.26 (old android HW yada yada)

Ok I got a Solution:


Works here

2 point warked, thx!