Chaos vehicles do nothing, Literally

Guys…I am on 4.26.
Spent a whole day to make it work…nothing… the car falls stiff and no controls working at all.

I did the whole thing on UE5 and it worked at the first try…so I get all needed to make it work right:

  • import Skeletal mesh rig with right axes
    -set physics wheels to sphere, root as multi convex hull
    -create animation blueprint, class vehicleinstance and set the mesh-space–>wheel controller → component to local—>output pose stuff
    -create a blueprint class chaosVehicles
    -Set the skeletal mesh, enabled physics
    -created front and back wheel bps class chaos vehiclewheel
  • front wheel affected by steering and engine
  • set the skeletal mesh of the blueprint to animation blueprint and set the ABP I did before
    -added the 4 array elements for the wheels in the vehicle movement component
    with the 4 bone names and the tires BP types (front and rear)
    -created a curve for the engine setup.

in 4.26 just dont works.
in 5.0 works


I need it working on 4.26 (old android HW yada yada)

Ok I got a Solution:


Works here

2 point warked, thx!

Thank you!!! I had the curve done - but I had to remove the vehicle from my game and re-add the pawn for it to pickup the curve changes

This worked for me. Specifically using an EXTERNAL curve!

Looking through Unreal’s source code, line 1485 of ChaosWheeledVehicleMovementComponent.cpp checks to see if there is a valid torque curve and disables mechanical simulation if there is not (thereby constructing a vehicle without an engine). For some reason, external curves allow this check to pass while internal curves will not.

Whoever wrote this code initializes the EngineSetup struct to its default values, then checks whether EngineSetup’s torque curve is valid, then it populates EngineSetup with the valid torque curve. Something doesn’t add up here :thinking:

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