Changes to Reviews and Questions on UE Marketplace

Following up on this I am the developer who made the bot that is mentioned as well the developer who wrote this post. I have since created a public place for you to view a products Reviews and Questions which can be found here: UEBot Product Lookup This was released today and as such is still fluid but will host a button to download your reviews and questions in the next release slated for tomorrow afternoon. If you are interested in whats happening and where we are with the state of things you are welcome to join our support server via the link on the page or here: Unreal Engine Marketplace Bot Support


I hope there will be a way to see past written review and questions. I cant depend on developers to tell me that their product is good because some of them are really not that great and I use previous buyers engagement as a guide to what I purchase.



No words!

I think my life is going worse.

Every day, justā€¦



You should had warned us to backup Q&A section at least.


i am so frustrated right now

There are two points I really do not understand (or think they are reasonable).
If, as it is said, the review system is inaccurate and influenced by verification messages, why the question system is also shut down? One buyerā€™s questions can be informative for many other buyers. And the question lists can also show whether the sellers are responsive and helpful.
Why the old system is shutted down so hastily, while the new system is going to be released after several month? Are there any serious flaws or strong reasons to close them immediately?


I really hope they misspelled it wrong because if not this is the worst management strategy.


Hereā€™s how I am going to deal with thisā€¦


Not sure how you were able to do this without the questions and reviews sections onlineā€¦ did you scrape before the event somehow?
Either way this is amazing and helpful.
If you can do it, then certainly the highly skilled programmers at Epic can fix this disaster and put these questions back as well.
Unfortunately, not having ready access to questions and answers will substantially reduce my marketplace purchasing.
I apologize to sellersā€¦ they donā€™t deserve this at all, but people wonā€™t buy if they canā€™t ask questions and get answers from a consolidated source.

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The API endpoiints still exist with the data. However my site does cache the results if search just incase Epic decides to actually delete the data.

They are certainly able to put the sections back with out any real effort.

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This is a terrible idea. Sales will drop precipitously. People will start to leave. People desperate for Q/A will create a system that does the job, and the marketplace will be a vacant lot.
If this isnā€™t fixed really fast, you guys will lose a decade of work building the marketplace.


@Mheetu, Your explanation was so well thought out. They should HIRE YOU to superviseā€¦ and reverse this course before it permanently destroys the marketplace.

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There is no need for ā€œAdditionalā€ authentication. A small key icon USED TO BE next your name, indicating that you were a valid purchaser. Additionally, only a valid purchaser could reply to a thread.

Personally, I think this is a bad decision unless you have something Epic (no pun intended) in mind.

The reviews are how I gauge 99% of my purchases. All I can see are stars now. There is nothing stopping the seller from making a bunch of fake accounts and bumping up the star rating.
I like to check out the poor ratings so I can see whats wrong with it.
The questions panel was very useful to find FAQā€™s about it and what other people have found.

For example,
The plugin I was just looking at has only 20 reviews but is quite pricey (Ā£40)
Whatā€™s wrong with it? Why arenā€™t more people buying it?
There are no reviews to check out. No questions.
I donā€™t want to join 50,000 discord servers every time I want to review a product.



Start system, Questions, and reviews is a place full of fanboys and hatters is nice destroy it.

For me, reliable sellers are those who have a product topic in the unreal forums themselves.

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Thanks for this, right now none of the reviews for my products are showing up even though they existed.
Also the questions appear, but none of my answers or the thread of responses which was useful.
Not sure if this is still data you can access, but thanks for the effort.

I am actively working to get that information along with a download button to everyone.


You and Hugo showing what actual development looks like.

For anyone else looking for their reviews and questions, the Orbital marketplace is now live with all of them available. Iā€™m taking a copy of my own. Thanks to @Herobrine20XX for taking the time to do this, and others who were offering the same


Ive pushed an update out that allows you to download as XLSX the questions, reviews and replies to each, also changed the UI a bit to look more like a review/question section instead of a tabular data display. Check it out here: UE Marketplace Discord Bot