Can we stop this heresy once and for all?

It was a joke about using unreal’s automatic variable name, New Variable_X, so you don’t have to worry about anything, I do it sometimes if I’m never going to use the variable again

Now will automatic rename same var_0 with var_1

Jesus, I just started with blueprints as a complete newbie, coming from C++ and C#. I can’t believe such a mess is built into the editor. Really, I had a hard time reading my BluePrints, until I disabled “friendly naming”.

Unfortunately it only switches “friendly naming” off only for virables, not for classes and structures.

Necro only for complain?,
If you cannot use spaces in c++ and c# and you can in blueprints, we are talking about an evolution for the better, right?

I don’t see it as a good progress being forced to do what my IDE wants. It would be good if I could choose, yes.

This cracked me up. Imagine running into this thinking hey, it’s Lenny! but it’s actually Malbolge loop:




Yes necropost. :smiley:

1 hour wasted, that is in category of “nothing happened” :smiley:

I wasted 2 weeks some months ago. With live coding thingy (yes learned its ways since).

Imagine you are coding some bit complicated C++ function, constant tiny errors you fix. Then at some point (like after 2 weeks of fixing that stupid function) You realize your changes to code do not work, no matter what you put in nothing changes.

Yup live coding compiled stuff without warning, but that new code never was updated.
However after 2 weeks of fixing my function i made it almost perfect, yes worked great first time i actually compiled it.

Well, geez.
2 weeks on a single function thinking it’s not working likely means you over-engineered the living hell out of it…

I would suggest looking it over again with performance in mind (as in, making sure there isn’t a cast at every line with an is valid at every line etc).

Anyway, time wasting naming stuff wise, the major culprit for me is database connection strings between different software versions… spend a day tracking down why something shows value X instead of Y only to realize… Dhu? This database actually says Y…

It is not that overengineered, i trusted that live coding compiles stuff (when there are no errors or warnings). Yes it was dumb trusting tool-chain will complain. My code never was compiled and run since error occurred, until i found out that live coding compiles but code is not updated.

No casts in that function, it was just calculating offsets for hexagonal map (so pure int fun).

And yes after 2 weeks it kind of overengineered. :wink:

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