Ok this sounds interesting. How do I set collision volume? You mean the size of the collision component? I’m basically using the given my character BP but with no skeletal mesh.
I’m also not sure what a blocking volume is? Unless u mean just another volume that’s set to block all…But how would that help exactly? ?
thank you so much for trying to help me. I appreciate it. This is the only real left I need to fix that’s game breaking.
This is absolutely ridiculous.
Thanks everyone…I’m a moron…or just can’t “read between the cracks”.
The platform is a 3 by 3 cubed model. Although the cracks in this model are FAR two small for anything to fit through, at high speed movement my character I guess morphed into an ant for a sec or something and was slipping through.
Needless to say…I made the platform ONE BIG model…
And now it works perfectly.
No need to be sorry… as the saying goes “two heads are better than one”. It’s usually the small things that get by us.
I tend to find with collision, less complex the better, especially when involving movable meshes. Also, I prefer blocking volumes to collision components. I’m not sure what the difference is in how they each respond to collision in the backend, but I find from usage that they are better colliders. Both can return hit data for the mesh, it will just depend on how your code is set up.