unit23 Quote “Inside the AnimBP add Event MyInterfaceFunctionName and set a bool accordingly.”
I’ve tried searching for Event Ragdoll Fix and it doesn’t show. I think I’m getting this all wrong but I am really grateful you’ve stuck with me and been patient. If it wasn’t for you I’d have to find something else to do as my Unreal Engine project would’ve been dead in the water! =)
I think I might have called it Enemy Ai fix insted of Ragdoll fix but that doesn’t show up either. When I search for enemy it comes up with a reference to it as a function! Would that be what I’m looking for mate? =)
I’ve listed a few steps below that I’m still struggling with and have written down steps that I think I have to follow based on your instructions. Could you please go through them and check if I have the right idea and if not, please correct me. I’d love to hear it. I hope you can help. You’re the only chance I got of getting this fixed. I’m starting to get fatigued! =)
1.) So I create a blueprint interface with a bool (What do i set the bool too and how do I do it? Then I add the interface to the player blueprint and enemy blueprint. The do I search for it under both blueprints?
2.)Then I add the interface to the player Anim_BP. Then I make another blueprint interface with a bool function set to true, addind the interface to the death section and search for the interface with function. How do I set the bool function to true? I can’t see anywhere to do this.
unit23 quote “IsDead is just a bool variable name you set once your character has this state, it can be called anything you like…”
How do I create this function or is it a varible? And where do I place it?
unit23 quote “Also you likely have to communicate this to your PlayerController, hence add a Branch on EventTick, to check if the PlayerCharacter has this bool set or not. Additional you have to run this only once with a DoOnce node (which you reset on Respawn, once IsDead is False)…”
Do I then add this variable as well add an EventTick connected to a brance in the Player’s blueprint? Then how I change the bool and set this bool, what should it be true or false? And then I hook up a DoOnce node to the branch setting this to Respawn once IsDead is Flase?
Thanks for reading. This will probably be my last post on the subject. I’m sorry this has dragged on abit.