"Calculate Direction" node for blendspace direction

I would recommend getting the LookAt rotation from the boss to the player, there’s a node for it. You can then break that rotation and use the yaw to determine which way the boss has to rotate to face the player. That variable can be used in the transition rule for your turning animation.

I set up a variable to get that value as you described in the Animation Blueprint Event Graph. But I’m not sure how to use it, my print string for debugging it isn’t showing up which is weird. I have it checked that it should be printing on the screen and in the debugger window but it’s not printing in either. In the transition rule for turning right, what number should I compare it to?

It’s not printing anything? The node isn’t getting called then. Check upstream and see why it never fires. Or just put one of the sequence nodes in there for the tick and drive the print from there.

Look At rotation returns from 0 to 180 and then beyond that it’s -180 to 0, IIRC.

So for anyone still stuck with getting 90 on idle I came up with a quick little work around. All I did was store my forward/backward and right/left movement axis’s values in my characters blueprint and then cast it to my animation blueprint. Attached it to a branch that checks if either of those variables are anything other then 0 (which means we are moving, we don’t care what direction), If they are then we set the direction of movement to what ever calculate direction is calculating. However if both our variables equal 0 (meaning we are idle, we are not moving) then we set our direction variable to 0.

Character BP

Animation BP

can you show the beggining of this blueprint please the bit going into the first + nodes