Cable Component Plugin for UE4

The plugin is enabled by default i believe, so check screenshot below to see where to find the cable.

Or in actor blueprint as component, simple type “cable” in search field.

This is a really great plugin, thanks for making it.

Thanx! Got it working.

Can’t wait to get it in a more advanced state.

>What about you guys? What would you like to see added?

If these are interactive with the Wind system, then having non-round cables would possibly be handy for making banners and flags. Set the sides to 4, and have the length much larger than the width (similar to splines in 3dsMax), then let the wind blow them about.

Is there a way to attach one end of the cable to a character or item, and find the end location using a projectile or line trace? 3:45, he uses a zipline arrow. That’s one of the things i’m trying to do.

Hi ! Any progress on getting this cable component to collide with the world, meaning the cable could be draped around the edge of a wall or whatever? I would be very pleased to see something like that.

This would be nice, but I’m afraid it isn’t something on our road map right now. Sorry.

Very nice, but I’m having some problems with this.
Why is the cable actor behaving like a extremely flexible rubberband?
I thought that I could hang an object from cable so it was not touching the ground. Is this possible?
If I attach a physics object to the end of a cable, the object just falls to the floor and the cable length increases. Even if the initial cable length is much shorter than the distance to the floor.
EDIT: I spend all day on this problem and I found the solution just 5 minutes after posting my question. I just added a Physics Constraint

Is there a way to get the cable actor to sway in the wind? I have tried everything i could think of but at level start it just drops and sags and eventually stays still.

I dont believe any forces currently are able to act on the cables in its current state.

Great stuff!

I’m currently working on an improved implementation of the CableComponent that reacts to forces, collisions and more. This is mostly for our game, Action Arcade Wrestling 3, to be used as ring ropes. But if people are interested I could release it as a plugin in the Marketplace.

I’ll try to post some videos and screenshots soon.

Here is the thread to my implementation: Dynamic Rope/Cable Plugin - Work in Progress - Unreal Engine Forums

I would be interested in seeing that in the MarketPlace

Worth your full attention!

I am just going to attach a video of VICOGameStudio’s WIP CableComponent Plugin, because his above post does not do his work justice & he more than deserves to have more people follow through to the above link he posted :slight_smile:

Is there an answer to this question? I just tried today to make a c++ property which would be a cable component accessible from c++ code and am getting an error.

Trying this:

CableComponent = PCIP.CreateDefaultSubobject<class UCableComponent>(this, TEXT("CableComponent0"));

Gives this:
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol “private: static class UClass * __cdecl UCableComponent::GetPrivateStaticClass(wchar_t const *)” (?GetPrivateStaticClass@UCableComponent@@CAPEAVUClass@@PEB_W@Z) referenced in function ": class UCableComponent * __cdecl FObjectInitializer::CreateDefaultSubobject<class UCableComponent>(class UObject *,class FName,bool)const " (??$CreateDefaultSubobject@VUCableComponent@@@FObjectInitializer@@QEBAPEAVUCableComponent@@PEAVUObject@@VFName@@_N@Z)

I do have my plugin’s PublicDependencyModuleNames ( and PrivateDependencyModuleNames) set to include CableComponent, but no dice.

Currently using the cable from the blueprint, but want to be able to reference it from C++ too.

Am i doing something wrong, or are we not able to reference this component from C++ code?

Hey warhead - the answer to that question is yes, it’s possible.

I made changes to the cable component myself and exposed it all to Blueprint to make it spawnable at run-time - I’ll share the code later when I’m not at work :slight_smile:

ah, i think i get it. you can’t access the cable directly from c++ but you can make a blueprint just for the cable component and then can spawn the blueprint in code, right? if so, makes sense.

Not quite; I modified the plugin to expose everything to Blueprint. Tracked down my code - it’s largely the same as the original version, but allows for both ends to move instead of being fixed:

For anyone interested, my Dynamic Rope/Cable Plugin, which includes features such as Collision, Force interaction, Wind interaction, Attache to Component/Sockets/Bones, and more, has been released.
You can find progress info here: Dynamic Rope/Cable Plugin - Work in Progress - Unreal Engine Forums
And if you are interested in purchasing, you can do so here:

Feedback and comments are welcome.

Will the cable component that Crystal Voliva made for us will have collision in the futur?

Because the cable just fall through the ground of the world, i was looking for something to enable collisions on the cable component, but it seem there is nothing (at least in blueprint i found no way to enable this)

i am using UE4 4.6.1
