Bug: Mouse Clicks not responding after set Input UI, then to Game

This node never helped me. There was 2 options that delete the bug:
----Project Setting → Input → Viewport Property → Default Viewport Mouse Capture Mode → "CapturePermanently_IncludingInitialMouseDown"


---- in the Player Controller → Mouse Interface → set “Show Mouse Cursor” false


I look at the bug report and it says this bug has been resolved, but I am having the same issue in 4.16 right now.
What I have is a MainMenu level with a widget menu and player controller for that level with input mode set to ui only. I load my main level which is from the top-down template with OpenLevel node. Inside the OnBeginPlay event on my player controller for the main level I set input mode to game only and I need to double click to move my character. Interesting thing is that if I set the input mode to game and ui it works with single clicks. Just wanted to let you know the bug is still there.

Have you found any solution for this issue? I’ve also faced with it in 4.16.2

Hello norlin,

I ran through the steps in the issue reported above and was able to reproduce this issue in 4.17. I have reopened this issue. Feel free to use the link below for future updates.

Link: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-36760)

Make it a great day

I’m also facing this issue in 4.18.1, after a few diging, I’ve found a quick solution. In PlayerController.h

/** Data structure used to setup an input mode that allows only the player input / player controller to respond to user input. */
struct ENGINE_API FInputModeGameOnly :  FInputModeDataBase
	/** Whether the mouse down that causes capture should be consumed, and not passed to player input processing */
	FInputModeGameOnly& SetConsumeCaptureMouseDown(bool InConsumeCaptureMouseDown) { bConsumeCaptureMouseDown = InConsumeCaptureMouseDown; return *this; }

		: bConsumeCaptureMouseDown(false)

	bool bConsumeCaptureMouseDown;

	virtual void ApplyInputMode(FReply& SlateOperations, class UGameViewportClient& GameViewportClient) const override;

I’ve changed

         : bConsumeCaptureMouseDown(true)


         : bConsumeCaptureMouseDown(false)

This might be a dirty patch but for me it does the trick

Is there any update to the status on this? I can still reproduce this in 4.20 and it’s a real pain in the rear of my project in 4.19

I am facing the same problem in a top-down shooter I am making, with the “Set input mode game only” enabled, I have to click multiple times for the character to shoot once, and this is in 4.21.2.

Same in 4.21.2. Still trying to figure out a workaround …

Looks even worse than that, seems like GetYaw/GetPitch stops being affected too … wth :smiley:

And it’s still present in 4.22

I sort of found a workaround - at least it works for me

Use “Set Input Mode Game And UI” node instead of just “Set Input Mode Game”.
Also, keep “In Widget to Focus” target unhooked.
And uncheck “Hide Cursor During Capture”

The workaround here from laggyluk worked for me.

I hope it works for you too!

The workaround here from laggyluk worked for me.

I hope it works for you too!

The workaround here from laggyluk worked for me.

I hope it works for you too!

Just in case anyone would run into this, I’ll post this as an answer.
The workaround here from laggyluk worked for me.