[bug?] Actor relative pitch rotation stuck in 90 degrees

Hmm, only solution that has work for me is to get components local rotation, modify it, and set it (for bike pedals)

Help please!!! meow(

Hi there,

Another workaround is to use parent class “Static Mesh Actor”,instead of parent class “Actor”. (just change it in Asset editor → toolbar → class settings → parent class)

I had another big problem and it was same solution:

I think I’m going to start using “Static Mesh Actors” thoroughly.


I don’t see any bug tracker link. Has been solved by now (4.18.1)?

I fear that it hasn’t been solved still… This is crazy, it is such a fundamental thing but I guess it can’t be helped. Let’s hope it will get fixed sometime in near future.

year is 2018.

UE4 Has become an amazing tool to world.
More and more games of varying quality are coming out with great success.

AND YET AS OF 1/25/2018 THIS BUG IS STILL HAPPENING. Sadly i cant use any of work-arounds. I NEED SetRelative/AddRelative. But nope,it locks up at -90 and 90(Or better said it has an odd 180 or 132 Degree clamp. Since itll lock up at -67 and 67 on Pitch Axis.

Making a diving system for my character, I solved my problem with gimbal lock using AddLocalRotation workaround and storing degrees added in a variable, so i always know how many degress i used while rotating my character reading this variable.
Hope that help.

Nobody seems to have answered you. I managed to deal with gimbal lock using a CameraManager class. I can’t figure out how to rotate properly though.

I fixed gimbal lock using a custom node that will convert Euler to quaternions so you can use easier to picture Euler rotations. It can rotate through a full 360 of pitch. Link is below

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I also have this problem in 4.21.2 version of engine. And found workaround - add a new static mesh component and attach to this CurrStaticMeshComponent (variable) of necessary component, and rotate only object of this variable.

still in 4.23 :smiley:
Can combine rotators and use SetRelativeRotation instead

Thanks. Yeah, as of 4.25 it’s still occuring. Thanks for tip to use that instead!

I just got similar problem - Im creating a windmill. It should rotate bladed (through pitch) but whole mechanism with blades should rotate towards wind too (through yaw).

If you need to rotate only pitch you can use Add Local Rotation and that works fine. But when you try to rotate both together it will not work.

It took me while to find a solution but it’s not so complicated at end.

All you need to do is to use first AddLocalRotation to rotate blades and then get current rotation values and add/set z(yaw) rotation. I’m using setRelationLocationAndRotation as I’m also moving object around pivot point.

I hope this will help:

A little lifehack for simple actors.
If you need to locally rotate only around one axis, position objects in actor so that rotation occurs along X (roll) axis. :slightly_smiling_face:

PS Sorry, google.translate :grinning:

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