[BP] Modified inherited components don't reflect modifications in game

Hey Raf, any luck with the 4.8 release?

Got this issue in 4.9.2, so… Not fixed!!

Hi Trless

I’ve just test it in 4.9.2 and it seems ok here.

Please do this quick test for me:

  1. Start new project
  2. Create new actor bp class, add a new int variable, set default to 100 and print to screen every tick the value of this variable
  3. Create child bp from your new actor class and change the new int variable you created to 200
  4. Add your child bp to an empty level
  5. Play in editor, standalone and package game (screen print wont work on packaged game so you might have to add a text renderer to your actor and assign your var value to the text on beginPlay event to display the value)
  6. The value print or display should be 200 on all cases

I’ve just done this and it works as expected.



I have also this problem in 4.9.2

Some things are updatet, others not…

Hi ,

Can you try in 4.10 or 4.11 and let me know if it is still occurring for you?