Bone size too small to create physics asset?

The issue there is if you’ve already made a collection of animations then it might not be worth the time trying to remake them

One solution around this is (note this will break all location-dependant drivers):

  • set Blenders unit scale to 0.1 (I’m using 0.1 because scale manipulation in ue4 physics asset window becomes hectic at 0.01)
  • set armatures scale to 10
  • apply armatures scale
  • apply meshes scale
  • enter pose mode and select all bones on the armature
  • open the graph editor
  • filter by location
  • select all keyframes
  • move the 2d cursor to as close to 0,0 as possible (there is no snapping tool to achieve this)
  • press hotkey scale (default is S (blender) or R (industry compatible))
  • press Y (to limit scaling to the Y axis)
  • type “10” (to scale by 10)
  • press enter (confirm scale operation)
  • scrub the timeline and verify animation is working (if not working then abandon all hope; jk just ctrl z until graph editor scaling is undone, check to see if you accidentally scaled rotators, or keyframed scale data, or the pivot point is set to median rather than 2d cursor)
  • ???
  • export

The funny thing about scales with blender is, you can have any combination of system units, export “apply unit” on or off, ue4 import “convert scene” and “convert scene unit” on or off, WON’T MAKE A DIFFERENCE for the physics asset. You have to set blenders unit scale. We just happen to set it to 0.1, metric, centimeters because that matches unreal. But the closer to 0.0 that number gets, the more blender breaks down. Drivers still work, you just have to rewrite them in new units (which is easy). The blender project itself has the potential to become corrupted. And you’ll know it is when: many of the weight painting tools will stop function appropriately or not at all; many other tools reliant on unit scale will become difficult to manipulate. Just be wary of new issues, you can solve corruptions by merging into a new scene.

fyi The issue is exclusive to blender 2.8 and 2.8.1