what are the advantages over using this vs the default engine web browser classes?

  • By default BLUI runs at 60fps vs Web Browser 24fps (can be changed in C++ slates but not in BP AFAIK)
  • Run-time js events and callbacks
  • More input control (mouse, kb, etc)
  • PDF/Download support

In the past it also used to be more up to date in CEF versioning, but the built in has largely bridged the gap. That said if you got the inclination you can use a custom CEF version to include custom codec support or other features that are usually not built by default in CEF.

But that said if WebBrowser fits your use case you should use that first, only if you need a more custom use case should you consider BLUI nowadays.

I started using the Default web browser because it is faster to implement especially for crossplatform since i would need a cef build for every platform.

Although I do want a custom cef build later on and will upgrade to blui to make that easier. This ui should work with vr on the latest unreal version right?

I heard rumors that one can build the open-source VLC video codecs into it for live streams etc. CEF community is oblivious to this possibility though Would you happen to know more about this? It definitely should be possible. 2023 and no widely recognized open-source implementations are kind of weird.