Hi ,

I’m trying to include BluEye.h in one of my classes but it’s giving out errors.

Including the paths did not help:

PublicIncludePaths.AddRange(new string] { "Blu/Public", "Blu/Private" });

Do you have any suggestions?

Very sorry for the late reply!

Try this:

#include "RenderHandler.h"
#include "BluEye.h"

I’m trying to make an educational demo using BLUI for popup informational windows. I’m a newbie at UE (background in 3d animation) and am having a hard time getting it to do what I want. If I just put the content on a plane or widget in the level, the texture seems too low resolution to really be usable for anything with much text. Is it possible to ramp that up, or should I maybe have the user click on something and that’d pop up a HUD-style screen for them to read and interact with? Any help is appreciated!

Possibly scaling up the resolution of the drawing may help with that.
You can set both the width and height of the actual outputted texture (and also the browser window). So I’d take a look at that.

Very sorry for the late reply!

Try this:

#include "RenderHandler.h"
#include "BluEye.h"

No problem!

This solved the issue, many thanks!

I Love you. Thanks for the OSX support. Digging my teeth into it now. Is there a C++ hud tutorial?

Hey, support BLUI 2.6 UE4.8 ?

Hey, support BLUI 2.6 UE4.8 ?

Yup! 2.6 is the update with fixes for 4.8

:smiley: thx for the anwser

I haven’t been able to get BLUI work anyway with my UE4 installation.
Every time after I press “Simulate”-button whole Editor crashes. (When ‘Create ExampleHud Widget’ is executed)
I think I followed “Simple Setup”-wikipage exactly as instructed and have tried it multiple times.
I have reinstalled both Visual Studio 2013 and Unreal Engine and it still doesn’t work.
And since even ‘Demo Project’ doesn’t work I expect crashes are caused since I copied something wrongly to UE4 binaries folder.
When debugging only thing I can get from crash is “Unhandled exception at 0x000000D58F88AE52 in UE4Editor.exe: 0xC0000095: Integer overflow.”.

(Currently running 64-bit Windows 8.1 and Unreal Engine 4.8)

Hello, just so everyone knows I’ll be on vacation for a bit!
I’ll take a look at this when I get back next week.

I haven’t been able to get BLUI work anyway with my UE4 installation.
Every time after I press “Simulate”-button whole Editor crashes. (When ‘Create ExampleHud Widget’ is executed)
I think I followed “Simple Setup”-wikipage exactly as instructed and have tried it multiple times.
I have reinstalled both Visual Studio 2013 and Unreal Engine and it still doesn’t work.
And since even ‘Demo Project’ doesn’t work I expect crashes are caused since I copied something wrongly to UE4 binaries folder.
When debugging only thing I can get from crash is “Unhandled exception at 0x000000D58F88AE52 in UE4Editor.exe: 0xC0000095: Integer overflow.”.

(Currently running 64-bit Windows 8.1 and Unreal Engine 4.8)

I was having problems too with Win7 64bit and UE4.8. It was crashing a lot but most noticeable was that it crashed every time I tried to open the project via the UE Launcher. When I opened Visual Studio and build it from there I was able to run it but again, it would here and there crash again. I could be related to other stuff in the project but I had to remove it for now. How you try to build it the run “Simulate” while the VS debugger is running?

It is working for me on 4.8. Have you set input mode and show mouse cursor?

Thanks for this suggestion!
I was able to get the mouse click working, just had to convert the mouse position to widget local coordinates, after that it was working but the keyboard input was not working, will try that “set input mode”.

Hey guys, can I get a little C++ help. I am trying to do it all in C++ and I’ve got it all figured out but 2 parts (I’m new to C++).

First, the first time i play my game it works fine, but if I stop the game and then play a second time it always crashes with the error - UE_LOG(LogBlu, Warning, TEXT(“UI Material instance Texture parameter not found”));
here’s the code:
BlueEyeHUD = ObjectInitializer.CreateDefaultSubobject<UBluEye>(this, TEXT(“BlueEYE”));
BlueEyeHUD->Width = 1150;
BlueEyeHUD->Height = 1080;
BlueEyeHUD->DefaultURL =“blui://UI/interactions/interactions.html”;
static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UMaterial>BlueEyeMaterial(TEXT(“/Game/UI/UMG/HTMLMat”));
BlueEyeHUD->BaseMaterial = BlueEyeMaterial.Object;
BlueEyeHUD->bEnabled = true;
BlueEyeHUD->bIsTransparent = true;

and this in my Begin Play:
ItemUIPlane->SetMaterial(0, BlueEyeHUD->GetMaterialInstance());

My second issue is I can’t figure out how to bind a scripteventemitter to a function in c++.
Any help appreciated. Thanks

Does it work on consoles (Xbox one and PS4) ?

Does it work on consoles (Xbox one and PS4) ?

I doubt it, I am pretty certain it is just for Windows, Linux and Mac. Plus you would have to somehow configure controller usage if your going to use it for menus etc.

Does it work on consoles (Xbox one and PS4) ?

I have not been able to get any attention from either the Xbox ID program or the PS4 program. While it would be quite a challenge to port it over I would like to try. But I cannot until I’m licensed, which I’m not sure if that will ever happen…

I have not been able to get any attention from either the Xbox ID program or the PS4 program. While it would be quite a challenge to port it over I would like to try. But I cannot until I’m licensed, which I’m not sure if that will ever happen…

Any chance you could address my c++ questions a few post up? Thanks

Any chance you could address my c++ questions a few post up? Thanks

Currently there is no c++ HUD example. But when I get home later in the week I might be able to whip one up. But really it’s about the same as using Blueprints. Same method names and arguments etc.

Thanks for the reply. When you get back and have some time in the future I don’t need a tutorial just a help on the 2 issues i stated above.

I haven’t been able to get BLUI work anyway with my UE4 installation.
Every time after I press “Simulate”-button whole Editor crashes. (When ‘Create ExampleHud Widget’ is executed)
I think I followed “Simple Setup”-wikipage exactly as instructed and have tried it multiple times.
I have reinstalled both Visual Studio 2013 and Unreal Engine and it still doesn’t work.
And since even ‘Demo Project’ doesn’t work I expect crashes are caused since I copied something wrongly to UE4 binaries folder.
When debugging only thing I can get from crash is “Unhandled exception at 0x000000D58F88AE52 in UE4Editor.exe: 0xC0000095: Integer overflow.”.
(Currently running 64-bit Windows 8.1 and Unreal Engine 4.8)

I haven’t had any issues with pressing the simulate button in any of the test projects.
The crash in the demo project is caused by converting the project to a newer version of the engine. The blueprint instances lose their default URL for some reason and it ends up being set to and empty string, which is not allowed in CEF.
Is there any additional information you could provide on the crash? (Like the full crash log etc.)

Hi . Error is there a solution or idea?

Flash is not part of HTML, it’s a commercial product not to mention dying product (atleast as a web plug-in) so don’t expect that each browser will support it