Blueprints are a toy. Which serious Unity dev would use UE4 without C#/F# or UnrealScript!?

You express exactly what I feel about all the ‘performance issues’. I guess for non-programmers / beginners it’s even harder to see patterns and I already thought about writing a guide about it.

I’m interested to read about blueprint performance issues. What expensive, what is not, how unreal vm work, i do have some understanding of those, but i really like to hear some more in depth explanation.

You can turn the BP now into C++, so no problem at all.

You accused me of that I could have done my game already. I told you why I couldn’t have done so.

Title, huh? How about reading the OP? There I mentioned the term “indie”.

And the definition you gave, that’s only the primary definition. Because the secondary definition of “indie”, is also about the size of the team. It is referring to the Indie Game Dev “movement”, or rather “revolution” that was hugely driven by engines like Unity, which allowed one single game dev to make games that wasn’t some mobile app. But is an actual desktop game that could make AAA titles look like fools with their innovative gameplay mechanics.

Well, I’m a scientific mind. So I don’t like “probably”, so I asked right the heck in this thread, who is a Unity dev, and who would use, or stay, with UE4.

I only have one flimsy year of experience with Unity. I myself, don’t count as a “serious Unity” dev. Because I didn’t ship a game with. And most answers to my problem. They came from people who only seem to know Unreal, and some of them don’t even know C# at all. So, yeah. It is kind of hard to take such answers serious.

And it is intended to be as simple as that. The idea was that a Unity dev shouldn’t have any reason not to use UE4. And the problem is that with BP/C++, instead of a C#, that is not the case anymore.

Epic games is a high authority in AAA engine. They are a nobody in the Indie game realm, that’s the domain of Unity. I fear given the background of Epic’s AAA. This AAA mentality actual bleed though now in the form of BP/C++. So, leaving aside of how good or how bad this mix of BP/C++ is. Or how much I dislike it myself. Unity devs may just think a big no. They know that their engine is getting more powerful each year. And if this is true what I’m saying, than UE4 is gong to have a very hard time getting more successful indie game devs on board.

Right, because nobody would notice that one code is bold font. And the other font is normal?

Your conspiracy theory 0/10

And how the heck would a language, like F#, that doesn’t have curled braces or semicolon. Not have a more compact, and therefore more “readable” impression than C#?

Your reasoning 0/10

As proven with the quotes I made above. You do like do make wild accusations.

This is not the very definition of “transparency”. This is the very definite of manipulation. Science doesn’t work this way. Nor a court before a judge would work this way.

The premise of what I wrote in the post it got removed, was that words can’t hurt and when they do, it is only the problem of those who let it. And guess what? This ain’t a “Borderline hate speech”. This is a fact in the science of the mind also know as psychology. No, please go head and repeat yourself: “Obey the laws of high ruler whomever! Or be wiped out from existence! Har! Har!”

I found an error in the Matrix. I concluded that some people are made of paper. I’m so done talking. -.-

Oh, simply because I shipped one commercial game and a couple of DLCs for it (one of those was made by me, from ground up, including some simple programming), worked on a several larger in scope projects that didn’t pan out (although I was using inferior engines, it really has more to do with time and scope, and programming skills) and I can tell you that you will never release your game based on the scope you described. Working 3 hrs a day on a project with much smaller scope is still a challenge, even if using UE4 and not knowing it 100% (and that doesn’t even mean knowing BP inside and out).

I switched to UE4 precisely because of BP. While I still need help every now and then, and probably will need C++ programmer eventually, for larger scale projects (if I ever pursue one; or unconventional project that goes beyond UE4 BP capacities for gameplay), I have moved pretty far with my project as BP allowed me to just get to work without knowing syntax and all that required knowledge to program using conventional programming language. I couldn’t have achieved that without BP as I still would have been learning C++ or C# or whatever language.

That being said, save your grand idea for later, develop a small, really small scale idea and make it happen using one engine, whether it’s Unity or UE4 or CryEngine or whatever. You are wasting your time and else’s time by blaming UE4 and BP and trying to convince the world that C# will somehow magically would allow you to achieve the impossible. Don’t blame the car, when the problem is between the steering wheel and the seat.

This doesnt make sense at all… Why would someone that is adept in unity and c# want, or have to use ue4? What does ue4 have to offer that unity doesnt have? Or vice versa for that matter.
You like c# and unity? Thats a cool story bro, I like the part where you decided to just stick to it.

Not sure where you want to go with all this but to me you are just a big troll…

PS: can we close the thread?

You talking about editor converter or Blueprint Nativization? Anyway, i’m not desperate enough to read generated c++ code to understand how engine handle all of those.

Guys, why bother entertaining this troll? Isn’t it obvious that OP is someone who refuses to learn something new but only to complain and whine for a demand? So obvious. And yet, why don’t he just go to Unity then since he likes Unity’s C# and F# so much instead of complaining ?

Someone please report him to admin for a ban or something.
I am unsubscribing this thread now.

I think probably half of the Ue4 community is getting bored of this C# nonsense and please stop arguing and arrogantly responding to. I just don’t understand why are you still using Ue4 if you are not happy with it.

It’s not about reading it. It’s about C++ code running at the end instead of BP. That’s why nativization was implemented afaik - to increase performance while still using good ol’ BP instead of C++.

There are a lot of ways to improve blueprints. Good feedback is essential, I bet. This could have been a pretty constructive discussion, but OP is clearly a troll. At given speeds this thread could be hitting Godwin’s rule threshold any moment now.

I think you are right, anyone can learn C++, it is not so hard once you start , or use Blueprints that have now the new C++ converter.
Otherwise people should move on to something else instead of asking scripting languages.

Do you mean SEGI because I spent an afternoon looking into that and he’s charging money for something that if you look under the 5 star ratings is useless unless you match a specific criteria, besides have you heard of AHR because we have that and it’s free.

Epic definitely listens to and wants your feedback. If there are serious suggestions or ideas on how to improve the toolset then by all means go ahead and make a thread, but bear in mind that the argument for C# and a third programming language has been done over and over and the result is always the same.

My suggestion would be to try and think outside the box, and in this case - of ways to improve the existing tools.

EDIT: Of course, feel free to continue any discussion via PM if you feel you need to.

EDIT 2: NVM :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey @,

I saw your last comment about your opinion of the forum rules and I think it’s important to emphasize why the professionalism rules exist as they do. I am specifically referring to this rule:

[02] Maintain a high level of professionalism. Be respectful to other members, and Epic Staff! It is our goal to create a clean forum for the discussion of Unreal Engine. Cursing, swearing, personal attacks or retaliations are not welcome and will not be tolerated. Trolling, harassment, racist or threatening comments, obscene material or other intentionally annoying behavior is also unacceptable.

These forums are an open place for anyone to come discuss UE4 and the projects being made in it. The folks at Epic really appreciate seeing lively discussions of features and tools, which are fueled by the passion of developers in our community. However, humans are humans and we’re all susceptible to losing ourselves in a heated debate and making it personal. The fact is, no one at Epic is going to read a thread that devolves into people mud-slinging and using wild rhetoric, because it’s not going to benefit the engine or the community. Everyone should value professionalism because it allows for more intelligent discussions beyond “that sucks”, which in turn creates a community of critical thinkers.

I have removed some parts of your posts that were made to instigate arguments and that are hateful in nature. Words matter and can have an effect on people, that’s why we’re having conversations in the first place. Epic staff is not above scrutiny and we do take criticism into consideration, but name-calling and trolling are not the way to go about it. Please keep your behavior professional and uphold the rules we have in place or we’ll have to take action.

Thanks for helping make the forums a great outlet of constructive discussion.

I guess hevedy and you didn’t understand what i was asking, it’s not about increase performance by checkmark or mesure/compare it in any way with c++, its about learning to make a code in the way, which would be faster in the end, nativized or not.

simple example: (int a + int b + int c) / int e -> do something; in same function (int a + int b + int c) * int e -> do something; at what point it would be faster to save (a + b + c) to local variable and reuse it, itstead of call this math twice (since all blueprint math is pure functions).

I don’t know what you were asking, but BP is slower than BP converted to C++.

Whether you should to addition once and save it into a variable is up to the programmer and how he structures his code, regardless whether it’s BP or C++. At the end of the day, BP converted into C++ will still be faster, whether you do addition all the time or do it once and save it into local var. On the other hand some things are cheap, no matter how you do it. So maybe one doesn’t need to bother with how certain things are done.

Note that I am not referring to your example in particular.

I prefer blueprints, in my mind it is more easier to learn. I also known basic of c-language, but like blueprints and using only blueprints people can do basic game, without knowing anything about c-language

is on point .
So much in the programming world we hear people say: “Python is slow, I’m going to use Java” “Java is slow, I’m going to use C++” on and on.
For 99% of tasks it doesn’t matter what language you use, the differences are so small on optimized code that all that matters is programmer productivity.
Whatever will make you productive is what you should use, and at the end of the day if you find that the 1% is causing slowdown then convert that one part.

Unoptimized, sloppy, bad code is what causes performance issues in many cases, blueprints or C++.

Attacking moderators does one thing: It shows the world that you’re not yet particularly experienced or effective in actually making your voice heard to others. (Yourself hearing your voice turns out to be less effective at actually affecting change …)

That may be true for all programs overall, but for game development, I’d estimate the proportion is more like 50/50.

That’s what makes game development special: It actually has technical requirements that most applications programmers could leave behind 20 years ago.

I have tons of real experience in this. Some examples:
A few years ago, I wrote a remote control/monitoring system for a robot in Python on a Raspberry Pi. It struggled to hit 20 fps with 100% CPU usage.
I then re-wrote it in C++, and it ran at 60 Hz with 15% CPU load.
Similarly, we had a renderer at work that runs on servers and generates animated GIFs from scene descriptions.
Re-writing that in C++ made us able to increase load 10x without buying any more hardware.

You can also compare Android to iOS devices in scrolling performance. Even today, on high-end phones, Android scrolling in apps comes in fits and starts, whereas iOS scrolling was 60 Hz smooth from day 1 and still is. The difference is “Java + a crummy GUI API” versus “ObjC + a slightly less crummy API.” These things matter in interactive systems!

Anyway, how’s that Haskell integration going? :wink: