Blueprint Quaternion Library

So i was able to have the rotation with left and right panning, however i have another problem

Please check the gif so you know what’s my problem

my current blueprint setup is

i’m able to rotate around the up vector as my axis of rotation for left and right panning.

but for up and down panning weird issue happens.
i think because of the Euler gimbals lock.

Yeah man, My 3 attempts, not sure that ive done it right, but yeah none of them seem to work.

i was able to solve my issues using the following nodes

@Iron Suit Man I wish that could have worked for me, even that doesn’t print out unmixed Axis values smoothly to screen 0 to 360 degrees.
If only I could even get one Axis to print out 0 to 360 without being effected by another Axis that would be great.

@Tuxmask75 Hey have you tried getting your actor’s rotation (but the quat version - one exists) and converting the quat to rotator/euler?

Not sure that’ll help but its just another idea.

@everyone else - I don’t get any kind of notification so dunno when people are asking stuff on the forum/mp page.

Hey @ImmutableLambda , maybe there is an issue that can make a C++ project fail to compile?

In BlueprintQuaternionLibrary.Build.cs, the path string for PublicIncludePaths and PrivateIncludePaths should be something like

Path.Combine(ModuleDirectory, "Public")

instead of raw string, and you may also need to use System.IO in order to use Path.

Changing this will let the compiler no longer complain it cannot locate the plugin’s public/private directories under “Engine/Source”.

Hello, I’m having rotation issues I bought your plugin to see if I can solve my issue but I lost . I’m sending rotation data from a Gyro to UE4 and when applying the data to my actor via SetWorldRoation I get a sudden jump when the Data goes from -180 to -180 then I convert it to 0-360. in this video you see the issue also look at the Data output to see when it jumps. Not sure how to Solve this issue but any ideas on how to fix it would be appreciated.
[Blueprint Quaternion Library Jump

](Blueprint Quaternion Library Jump)

Why is the plag-in not available for purchase anymore? Do you plan to put it back for sale?

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but how do I install this library in my blueprint project? I got it off Github and I don’t understand what you mean by “project source”. Also where it says

“be sure to replace PROJECTNAME_API
with your own _API macro** in BlueprintRotationLibrary.h, line 8.”

Do I just put in my project’s name instead of “PROJECTNAME” ?

Yeah it isn’t as simple as throwing the files in there. Seems we gotta install Visual Studio and do all sorts of stuff to make our project be able to use C++ files.

's a tutorial by the one and only Mathew Wadstein lol on how to do it C++ with BP #1 - Getting Started in Unreal Engine 4 ( UE4 ) - YouTube

As this plugin is old and no longer avaliable, I do have a newer solution, that is easy to use.