Blender>Apex Clothing Tool>UE4?

Over the last two days I’ve been sticking with the blender to ue4 cloth export process. This post helped me a lot and I collected a some additional notes I found useful. You can try these if it doesn’t work otherwise.


  1. First try with the most simple setup. One bone, one subdivided plane.
  2. In blender scene settings set the length to metric and the scale to 0.01 (or use the centimeter preset). Otherwise there will be scale issues such as giant cape. .D
  3. Your mesh should be weighted to only one bone. The weight of all vertexes should be 1. For me using different weight values caused some wierd deformation. If your setup works with this setup you might try to experiment with other weight painting methods.
  4. Use the 7.4 binary fbx exporter. Leave the export scale to 1. Export mesh and rig (you can export animation as well, but for me it didn’t work inside apex).


  1. Note that there are three version of Apex Clothing tool. The latest is 1.3.2 (for me all version worked, 1.3.0 gave me some error but still did the job)
  2. Paint the distances. You can change the value of the distance. (I used .4) For test use the Flood button with the value then paint 0 to the top vertexes so that your cloth won’t fall down.
  3. Even if you don’t use collision click on generate collision values. Find the bone which controls your cloth, select it and click ‘Pick as root bone’. When I skipped this my cloth snapped to some other locations in UE4. If you managed to pick the proper bone, you can see its name in the simulation window as root bone.
  4. For me apx worked fine.

Text Editor (Sublime Text, Notepad++, etc.)

  1. Unreal will rename your bones if they ends with ‘.R’ or ‘.L’ (or .anything) to ‘_R’, ‘_L’. If your rig contains names like those you need to change them in the apx file manually (from .R to _R for example). Open the apx file with a text editor and replace them. Otherwise you will get an error in UE4 that the apx file refers to bones you don’t have.

Hope it will help you guys.