Blender 2.72 to UE4: Looking for Vehicle rigging tutorial.

i would advise keeping all the bones aligned the same way, may seem strange at times but you might find it works better in UE4 later

Are the turning calculations based on the location of the base bone?

I’m just wondering because I didn’t put my base bone at 0,0,0 before I exported and now I can only turn one direction. I did a debug print output and the values of my axis mappings are correct.

where is your bone exactly?, as long as its in the middle of the car I doubt it would effect the ability to steer, also what happens when you try steering the other way?

It is only letting me turn one direction, even though the axis input is 1 and -1 when I press A and D.

The main bone is at X:0 Y:0.5mm Z:64.6848cm

Should it matter what the bone names are so long as the wheels are assigned as wheels?

Would it make a difference in what order I assigned the wheels in the BP default settings? IE: Is wheel 0 always the front right?

Also, how do you go about making the model’s suspension deform like in the Vehicle Game example?