Bitmask Enum declaration in 4.12, what's missing?

UEnum Bitflags end up getting re-mapped by index in BP, so if you manually specify the enum bit in C++, it won’t be the same once marked as an enum bitflag.

This is how I am using them in C++:

UENUM(BlueprintType, meta = (Bitflags))
enum class EMyEnum: uint8
	None, //0
	Item1, //1
	Item2, //2
	Item3, //3

UPROPERTY(SaveGame, EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Stats", meta = (Bitmask, BitmaskEnum = "EMyEnum"))
	INT32 Flags;

bool HasFlag(const INT32& Flags, EMyEnum TestFlag)
        INT32 bitFlag = static_cast<int32>(1 << (INT32)TestFlag); //shift to the bit corresponding to the enum value
	return (Flags & bitFlag ) != 0;