Your Self Actor Node now appears to not be filled. This should be filled automatically when you play by the BB. Just to confirm have you set up the pawn with an AIController e.g
-open pawn
- go to class defaults
- scroll to AiController
- select your AI controller from drop-down
- set AI possess pawn that are spawned/placed in world
or is the controller spawning elsewhere?
if you have done this then check If the radius of your pawn bigger than 35? if so check your navigation agent setting in project settings.
the final thing to check as i mentioned previously is the movement component. I have had trouble with Pawn Movement components before as i think they try to drive the character using RequestPathMove().
try re-parenting your movement component to the NavMovementComponent and overriding the RequestDirectMove() function instead.
if you are not working in C++ i would recommend that you only use Characters as a parent for you Enemy AI and use the CharacterMovementComponent instead.