Anyone have any ideas? I don’t really have nothing much right now. I was able to halfway get it to somewhat work by using a gate that stopped the first NPC, then the second NPC moved to Y2.
I got to thinking for this I may need the selective power of the level bp to be able to differentiate the clones of the one enemy bp.
I used a dummy actor bp that is dragged into the world and placed between two “buildings”. And in that bp I made two actor obj refs.
In the level bp, I got a ref to that dummy bp that will execute when the level does, and used the direct references of the NPC’s to set the obj refs.
While I was at it, I decided to store the Y1 Occupied? boolean inside the dummy bp also.
For some reason…when I did that it created the effect in the video, an NPC moving fully to Y2 behind TPC. However, if I tried to use my original Y1 occupied? / etc bools in the enemy bp, the second NPC only moves a bit toward Y2 and not fully for some reason or other. But the key here seemed to be adding the close gate in the MoveToTPCY1 macro…
But when I tried to add a close gate in the second macro, that whole effect was negated and just like I had never added a close gate to start with.
Any ideas or opinions here would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
bump bump…