Basic questions about rotation (from a newbie)

Hi everyone,

I’ve been experiencing with rotation in blueprint a lot lately, but can’t seem to get the basics straight and I’m finding different, contradictory explainations on the internet, so I’m just gonna ask a few things here:

  1. When do I use which rotation (setworldrotation, setrelativelocation, addlocalrotation)?

  2. Which boundaries do pitch, yaw and roll have? I found some info saying, that they must be between 0 and 360° which kind of makes sense to me, but If I print the rotations to the screen while my programm runs, the rotation values are often negative. So whats up with that?

  3. Imagine I have a blueprint scene “root” and in a relative distance (e.g. 10,0,0) I have a static mesh body (e.g. a cube). If I rotate the root, the static mesh follows accordingly and it rotates around the same axis, which are the axis of the root, right? Shouldn’t be the pitch, yaw and roll compnents of the root and the static mesh be the same than? Because if I try this, I get different rotation values for the scene root and the static mesh body.

  4. If I combine two rotators with the combine module (e.g. both have the values 5,5,5), why isn’t the result the sum (5+5 = 10) but some diffrent value?

I know these questions might be easy peasy for most of you, but I kind of got lost and I can’t seem to find out those basics. So thanks for every help in advance!